Russia to build 12 nuclear plants in India

pak hi pak

NEW DELHI: Giving a fillip to their ties, India and Russia on Friday signed 19 pacts, including three in civil nuclear field and one for purchase of 29 MiG-29 fighters besides inking the revised agreement on Gorshkov aircraft carrier, a deal that was stuck for three years over price.

Under the agreements in civil nuclear field, Russia will build 12 atomic plants - six in Kudankulam and six in Haripur in West Bengal.

The agreements were signed during the day-long visit of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin who held comprehensive talks with his counterpart PM Manmohan Singh with an aim of exploring opportunities for further boosting the relations.

They also discussed regional issues, including Afghanistan and Pakistan, in the context of terrorism and agreed to intensify their consultations on Afghanistan the challenges posed by terrorism and extremism in the region.

The pacts in civil nuclear field are agreement on cooperation in the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes and agreement on road map for the serial construction of Russian designed nuclear power plants.

An MoU was also signed on Nuclear Power between NPCIL and Atomstroy Export for construction of third and fourth atomic plant in Kudankulum in Tamil Nadu.

The revised agreement on Gorshkov aircraft carrier deal was also signed during the visit. The deal had initially been signed in 2004 at the cost of $1.5 billion, along with 16 MiG-29Ks. However, the Russians later demanded $2.9 billion, citing escalation of costs.

After protracted negotiations, the two sides settled at $2.34 billion.


Senator (1k+ posts)
pak hi pak said:
NEW DELHI: Giving a fillip to their ties, India and Russia on Friday signed 19 pacts, including three in civil nuclear field and one for purchase of 29 MiG-29 fighters besides inking the revised agreement on Gorshkov aircraft carrier, a deal that was stuck for three years over price.

Under the agreements in civil nuclear field, Russia will build 12 atomic plants - six in Kudankulam and six in Haripur in West Bengal.

The agreements were signed during the day-long visit of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin who held comprehensive talks with his counterpart PM Manmohan Singh with an aim of exploring opportunities for further boosting the relations.

They also discussed regional issues, including Afghanistan and Pakistan, in the context of terrorism and agreed to intensify their consultations on Afghanistan the challenges posed by terrorism and extremism in the region.

The pacts in civil nuclear field are agreement on cooperation in the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes and agreement on road map for the serial construction of Russian designed nuclear power plants.

An MoU was also signed on Nuclear Power between NPCIL and Atomstroy Export for construction of third and fourth atomic plant in Kudankulum in Tamil Nadu.

The revised agreement on Gorshkov aircraft carrier deal was also signed during the visit. The deal had initially been signed in 2004 at the cost of $1.5 billion, along with 16 MiG-29Ks. However, the Russians later demanded $2.9 billion, citing escalation of costs.

After protracted negotiations, the two sides settled at $2.34 billion.

Looks like INDIA is on his way to be super Power.
Next two years are going to be very crucial as ZH is going to attack India by end of this year


Pakistan has reservation. Superpower is very big term to say about India even next 100 years when 50Perc people earn less then 1 dollar, daily many farmers has to suicide....
India is getting support from Israel, America and Russia. I think all these countries have their own objective to use India for different purposes.
anyway Current situation is against India. India has lost alot of money in afghanistan.
History has proved that no nation get develop and independent on base of other country's help. INdia cannot beat China!. THey are more independent, They have huge revenue from exporting item which INdia is still improting.
Real Statistics shows China will be the next superpower in few decades. India cannot compete them due to culture barriers, dependencies on other countries, poverty....


Councller (250+ posts)
IndiaGuy said:
Looks like INDIA is on his way to be super Power.
Next two years are going to be very crucial as ZH is going to attack India by end of this year

Good luck.............

BTW ever heard about "chernobyl disaster"

good luck with Russian technology...... MIG 21, Mig 27 (also known as flying coffins) ;)


MPA (400+ posts)
masif92 said:
Pakistan has reservation. Superpower is very big term to say about India even next 100 years when 50Perc people earn less then 1 dollar, daily many farmers has to suicide....
India is getting support from Israel, America and Russia. I think all these countries have their own objective to use India for different purposes.
anyway Current situation is against India. India has lost alot of money in afghanistan.
History has proved that no nation get develop and independent on base of other country's help. INdia cannot beat China!. THey are more independent, They have huge revenue from exporting item which INdia is still improting.
Real Statistics shows China will be the next superpower in few decades. India cannot compete them due to culture barriers, dependencies on other countries, poverty....

There is no doubt that china is next superpower,but china have still same problem
as India huge poverty,disparity,infrastructure.china's population is densely
squeezed in eastern side compare to western side.
china has forex reserve 4 times compare to india ($ 1 trillion)
china's growth is mainly manufacturing oriented,companies from all around the world
set up plants there using their cheap manpower.
china never did reforms in real terms in their currency(stay stable against US dollar)
and in other institutions.
china still buys arms,energy,technolgy from russia,isreal,europe ,USA so does india.

india is not getting help from USA and other counties in term of AID or $$$.
india buys from them by paying money.
india has also buit its growth from export.more over india's growth is more
institutionalized.its financial sector,share market,rupee value are not controlled by govt
are fully reformed.india is world's hub for software development,knowledge based
skilled services.
its also fact that 1/3 population still live under poverty but things are changing fast.
infrastructure is coming up so as rich people.
western power are using india to counter CHINA same as china used pakistan to
counter india,because direct conflicts with india is not in china's favor.

india never soiled its relations with china under western influence,try to get benefit from both sides in its national interest,as it has bilateral trade with cross $30 billion and negotiated nuclear deal with USA.


In the inevitable comparisons that economists and businesspeople make between Asia's two rising giants, China and India, China nearly always comes out on top.

The Chinese economy historically outpaces India's by just about every measure. China's fast-acting government implements new policies with blinding speed, making India's fractured political system appear sluggish and chaotic. Beijing's shiny new airport and wide freeways are models of modern development, contrasting sharply with the sagging infrastructure of New Delhi and Mumbai. And as the global economy emerges from the Great Recession, India once again seems to be playing second fiddle. Pundits around the world laud China's leadership for its well-devised economic policies during the crisis, which were so effective in restarting economic growth that they helped lift the entire Asian region out of the downturn.

Read more: ... z0i25iZP2v

India: GDP around $1.09 trillion China: $8.791 trillion (2009 est.)
Inflation 10.7% -1.2 %
Unemployment: India: 10.7% China: 4.3%
Not even comparable....
Miliatary strenght:
China's military parade on the 60th anniversary of the Communist Party taking over was designed, right down the smallest detail, to prove the country's super-power status.
The world's other declared rising super-power watched the parade closely. And India's calculations reflected this.

India has over 13.25 lakh active military personnel compared with China's 22.55 lakh troops.

China's Air Force has 9,000 aircrafts with 2000 fighter planes. The Indian Air Force has 3,000 airplanes with 790 fighter planes.

China's combat power is guaranteed through its fleet of Russian Sukohi-30 MKK and indigenously built J-10 fighters.

The Indian Air Force, on the other hand, has French built-Dassault Mirage 2000s and Russian Sukohi-30 MKI as the best aircrafts in its combat fleet. No indigenous fighters or aircrafts have been deployed by India so far.

In strategic nuclear defence and delivery systems, China's army is miles ahead of India's nuclear forces with 200-400 active nuclear warheads. In comparison, India's strategic nuclear force is estimated to have stockpiled about 50-70 nuclear warheads.

The most powerful warhead tested by India had an yield of 0.05 megatons which is quite small compared to China's highest yield of 4 megatons. India's nuclear delivery system consists of bombers, supersonic cruise missiles and medium range ballistic missiles. Agni 2,

India's longest range deployed ballistic missile is capable of a range of 2500 km, carrying a single nuclear warhead of about 1000 kg. In stark contrast, China's nuclear delivery system is far more capable with multiple warheads.

INdia should not compare itself with China...... because its not fair to compare a chicken with tiger...:D


MPA (400+ posts)

INdia should not compare itself with China...... because its not fair to compare a chicken with tiger...:D[/quote]

no doubt china is way ahead.
china is in hurry to capture TAIWAN thats why spending huge money in defense
to give strict signal to other world powers who support TAIWAN.

India's priority as on today is infrastructure,that they developing very fast.
India's defense budget ($30 billion) and preparation are ok to counter any power.
india and china can't go for war,because they are not stupid.they play tactics sometime.

world see china with suspicion the way they are building their myth.chinese were hit
hard by last year's recession.being communist state things are not completely
visible inside china,as there were in USSR.

chinese do acknowledge india's strength(money making) where they can't match

Bollywood movies,cricket IPL ,YOGA,Ayurveda medical therapy,culture & religion.

and geographical location (on INDIAN OCEAN....route of world's 70% trade,thats why India is spending more money in building SEA power..indigenous nuclear subs,aircraft carrier ships )


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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
pak hi pak said:
NEW DELHI: Giving a fillip to their ties, India and Russia on Friday signed 19 pacts, including three in civil nuclear field and one for purchase of 29 MiG-29 fighters besides inking the revised agreement on Gorshkov aircraft carrier, a deal that was stuck for three years over price.

Under the agreements in civil nuclear field, Russia will build 12 atomic plants - six in Kudankulam and six in Haripur in West Bengal.

The agreements were signed during the day-long visit of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin who held comprehensive talks with his counterpart PM Manmohan Singh with an aim of exploring opportunities for further boosting the relations.

They also discussed regional issues, including Afghanistan and Pakistan, in the context of terrorism and agreed to intensify their consultations on Afghanistan the challenges posed by terrorism and extremism in the region.

The pacts in civil nuclear field are agreement on cooperation in the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes and agreement on road map for the serial construction of Russian designed nuclear power plants.

An MoU was also signed on Nuclear Power between NPCIL and Atomstroy Export for construction of third and fourth atomic plant in Kudankulum in Tamil Nadu.

The revised agreement on Gorshkov aircraft carrier deal was also signed during the visit. The deal had initially been signed in 2004 at the cost of $1.5 billion, along with 16 MiG-29Ks. However, the Russians later demanded $2.9 billion, citing escalation of costs.

After protracted negotiations, the two sides settled at $2.34 billion.

India govt is confused. the govt has huge surplus of US$ in reserve to the tune of over $300billion. India has become like spoiled nawab who has money and 'money is no object'. She is shopping for weapons like a kid in a candy store.

But its better for us. India has become a dumping ground for ineffective and inferior technology from Russia. Russians need US$ verybadly to help their bankrupt economy, and who would be better fool than a long time ally, India with tonnes of $ and desire to buy their weapns.

I watched a video report today from Indian TV. Good number of weapons arent working right, missing bomb targets etc.

Time will prove that India has ZARDARI and MALIK also who are making a killing and whopping perhaps 10% off the purchase of these technology.

The govt should increase the comission to, say, 15% to the beuorocrates, who work hard on behalf of India to secure those weapon. And Russia should also pay 10$ to these mediators for making it possible for Russians to have such lucrative sale.

Good work India, you should do more....