Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Russia prepares army for Syrian deployment
By Clara Weiss (WSWS). Les Blough (Axis of Logic)
WSWS. Axis of Logic
Tuesday, Jun 12, 2012
Editor's Comment: In her analysis below, Clara Weiss reports that Russia is preparing its military for intervention against the US and NATO in Syria. On May 31 we commented on The War on the Syrian People:
"With this in mind [a new anti-war movement], an important question for us at the moment is whether Vladamir Putin in Russia and the Chinese government will take a stand. They will probably veto any attempt to justify war against the Syrian people at the UN. But what then? Regardless, the West will no doubt continue their march against Syria and ultimately Iran unless and until they are stopped. Will Russia and China stand by and allow the West to bomb their allies, so important to both countries and on Russia's front door? Will Putin be shooting down war jets over Syria? Will China become involved militarily? If Russia and China permit it - it will mean one of two things: Surrender or Complicity. If they defend Syria militarily .... Well, that is how close we may be to world conflagration.
If Russia and/or China defend Syria militarily will the US and NATO blink ... or will hell break loose? The latter possibility may sound alarmist and overly dramatic. But what can be more dramatic than the 11 year onslaught of the US/NATO military machine in North Africa, Asia and the Middle East? The aggressive and we would argue, psychotic behavior of the western imperialists shows no sign of abatement. Throw into the mix the religious freaks, Christian millenialists and Zionists itching for the ultimate showdown with Iran while resting their trigger finger on Israel's nuclear arsenal ... The alternatives appear to be some sort of political solution or Russia and China rolling over and letting the US, Israel and NATO have their way with them ... and us.
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