request informtion for dual nationality or PR status for pakisan


New Member
i am a thai citizen married to a pakistani national in karachi .
we were married according to the muslim laws in 1984 .
it has now been 26 years since i have been living in karachi on a visa provided by my matimonial status, being married to my husband.
is it possible for me to acquire permanent residency in pakistan ?
or being a thai national is it possible for me to hold a dual citizenship ?
i have many relatives in karachi who are also muslim by religion.
i would like to live in karachi in the future.
please advise me what are my options being a thai citizen .
any information you can provide would be deeply appreciated.
thanking you.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Get in touch with your thai consulate and ask them about dual citizenship.
I think you would be eligible for Pakistani citizenship if you have been married for so long but again depends where are you at the moment, if in Pakistani contact Dept. of Internal affairs Islamabad if not in Pakistani contact Pakistan high commission in Bangkok


Councller (250+ posts)
good advice digi ... to answer part of your question ...yes Pakistan does allow dual nationality .

If Pakistan does not allow dual nationality then 89% of our leaders and high level civil and military servants will be automatically disqualify from their service :). Have fun boy .... consult the foreign office website to get further information on the dual nationality and apply for it. Best of Luck !


I think you may be eligible to get Pakistani Nationality. Pakisani law allows you to keep dual nationality. Get in touch with internal affairs Islamabad or Embassy of Pakstan in Bankok for your case.


Councller (250+ posts)
Might it'll b usful 4 u.............................

TitlePakistan Citizenship Act, 1951PublisherNational Legislative BodiesCountryPakistan Publication Date13 April 1951ReferencePAK-120Cite asPakistan Citizenship Act, 1951 [Pakistan], 13 April 1951, available at: [accessed 29 August 2010] CommentsThis is the text of the Act No. II of 1951.
Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951

An Act to provide for Pakistan citizenship
WHEREAS it is expedient to make provision for citizenship of Pakistan;
It is hereby enacted as follows:-
1. Short title and commencement.-

(1) This Act may be called the Pakistan Citizenship Act. 1951.
(2) It shall come into force at once.-
2. Definitions.

10. Married women.-

(1) Any woman who by reason of her marriage to a British subject before the first day of January, 1949, has acquired the status of a British subject shall, if her husband becomes a citizen of Pakistan, be a citizen of Pakistan.
(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (1) and sub-section (4) a woman who has been married to a citizen of Pakistan or to a person who but for his death would have been a citizen of Pakistan under section 3, 4 or 5 shall be entitled, on making application therefore to the Federal Government in the prescribed manner, add, if she is an alien, on obtaining a certificate of domicile and taking the oath of allegiance in the form set out in the Schedule to this Act, to be registered a s a citizen of Pakistan whether or not she has completed twenty one years of her age and is of full capacity.
(3) Subject as aforesaid, a woman who has been married to a person who, but for his death, could have been a citizen of Pakistan under the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 6 (whether the migrated is provided in that sub-section or is deemed under the provision to section 7 to have so migrated) shall be entitled as provided in sub-section (2) subject further, if she is an alien, to her obtaining the certificate and taken the oath therein mentioned.
(4) A person who has ceased to be a citizen of Pakistan under section 14 or who has been deprived of citizenship of Pakistan under this Act shall not be entitled to be registered as a citizen thereof under this section but may be so registered with the previous consent of the Federal Government.

