Report on Conspiracies and Zaid Hamid by NewYork Times


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
very firm and clear cut warning to the USA by Mr.Zaid Hamid...Hat off to this Gentleman...

malik 61

Jio Zindabaad,...Why dont Zayd Hamid and Imran khan can join together and do something for the sake of our beloved Pakistan...Both are Brave, Faithful, and intellegent We need these patriots in this hard time...
Both are very versatile, having command on Military, socio-economics, religion, history , Anti America,and Anti India. Leaders come from the nation, and now our nation is waking up.. inshallah soon we will have many leaders


Minister (2k+ posts)
Now the American public will see that their tax dollars are going to people who are stabbing them in the back...

Americans are only reimbursing a small portion of expenses that Pakistan is spending on so called war against terrorism. Its not an aid or any sort of help. Amercans are short on payments and they should expedite the payment process. If it is coming from tax dollars then American public should blame their own government who started all this mess. They can't blame Pakistanis. Pakistanis are not hypocrites and are openly against American imperialism from day one. We don't practice "baghal main churi aur mon main ram ram"


MPA (400+ posts)
And I am the second nightmare for Indians but just on siasat, some one said :lol:

you are like a self claim scholar who is illiterate in reality.mostly indian see u a typical upside down man embedded with HATE and inferiority complex.have no aim or vision towards life but to see destruction of would be lucky if you would have grasped some values (of tolerance)from canadian society where you spent mostly your whole life remained isolated from that.
whatever you posted on this site from adult jokes to hate messages established your identity as a confused old can only irritate indians.....nothing more than that.


Senator (1k+ posts)
1. Well, if your government had decided not to participate in this war,
America would have "bombed you back to the stone age..."

2. So, you are fighting this war out of fear.
All this talk of stopping NATO supplies through Pakistan is all non sense. If America enforces a naval blockade then your country will collapse. Anyway you need money from IMF and World Bank, and America has the largest number of votes.


Councller (250+ posts)
MashAllah ZaidHamid is the pride of Pakistan! He must be pinching at the right spot as “Newyork Times” is actually felling the pain. :)

I have noticed that all the secular empowered groups in Pakistan (Gora type traitors who speak accented English with their twisted mouths) hate Zaid Hamid. Because if all the Pakistanis start listening to Zaid Hamid there will be no place form them to hide, and they will have to pay for what they have been doing to our dearest country.


Councller (250+ posts)
you are like a self claim scholar who is illiterate in reality.mostly indian see u a typical upside down man embedded with HATE and inferiority complex.have no aim or vision towards life but to see destruction of would be lucky if you would have grasped some values (of tolerance)from canadian society where you spent mostly your whole life remained isolated from that.
whatever you posted on this site from adult jokes to hate messages established your identity as a confused old can only irritate indians.....nothing more than that.

And what are you sir! an Indian loving GayLord?? it's people like you who live in fools paradise, you and your "Aman kee asha" and all that bullshit crap!


Councller (250+ posts)
Now the American public will see that their tax dollars are going to people who are stabbing them in the back...

American knows it already, We are too important for Americans and Indian. LOL Who the hell invited both of them to be so concern about us!


MPA (400+ posts)
And what are you sir! an Indian loving GayLord?? it's people like you who live in fools paradise, you and your "Aman kee asha" and all that bullshit crap!

there are few fools in both sides who think AMAN KI ASHA can yield any result.
and anybody loving or not loving GAYLORD is purely matter of faith.....and faith is matter of practice not
display in AISLES of running aircrafts,train..public grounds.
anybody who practice his faith in real and trust its belief always respect other's other words............THOSE WHO RESPECT THEIR PARENT WILL ALWAYS RESPECT OTHERS......


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Americans are only reimbursing a small portion of expenses that Pakistan is spending on so called war against terrorism. Its not an aid or any sort of help. Amercans are short on payments and they should expedite the payment process. If it is coming from tax dollars then American public should blame their own government who started all this mess. They can't blame Pakistanis. Pakistanis are not hypocrites and are openly against American imperialism from day one. We don't practice "baghal main churi aur mon main ram ram"

Amazing to see how we are justifying our position for getting this money from US...... My Dear! IF according to you the money we get from US is not an aid or any sort of help and they are just reimbursing a small portion of expenses, then doesn't it mean that our army/government is for hire??? Do you want to tell us that our army is working for US and they are paying our expenses??? Our soldiers are dying in someone else war and you are justifying the money we get......
Accept it or NOT,,,,,, They money we get from US (Aid, help, reimbursement) is the amount we are selling ourselves for.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Problem with poeple like you is, you people think American are giving money for no reason or helping pakistan......... its our foriegn speaker's fault too. They try to prove its our own war, when its not.
We are helping american and they are giving money which is nothing if we compare with losses, expeses... now compare american 7.5 billion aid in 5 years with our 60 billion loss?

I am impressed, nice argument or may be I should say a nice joke...... What if India or Afghanistan or any other country ask you tomorrow that they will pay our full expenses (say 60 Billion instead of US 7.5 Billion in 5 years) and we should fight for them??? Will you justify that too??? Would you like your army to fight for them too???
Why not???? They are giving you full reimbursement. Come on, we should send our army to any where and any country who could pay our expenses...... Right????
Put a tag on our army ''For Hire''...........
If we are doing some thing wrong, we should admit it instead we try to justify it by satisfying our conscious with false arguments.


Senator (1k+ posts)
LOVE ZAID HAMID now US and retard Indians will say I am aiding and supporting someone trying to instigate violence HOW PATHETIC, they just don't know what's happening and how Muslims and Pakistanis think. They wage wars against us, occupy our land, do media propaganda and fabricate evidences and lies against us and except us to sit back and just do nothing about it.

Loved what ZH said during the last few secs of true, this whole WAR ON TERROR drama should stop. Innocent people are dying everywhere, billions of $s are being wasted. Their own soilders and civilians are dying, it's strange yet their stupid people get fooled by their policy makers and media drama. US should be more focused health, education and economical reforms in 3rd world countries, they should keep their noses out of other nations politics, they should stop covert ops and sending their special teams/paying local terrorist to carry out assasinations for their regional and political gains ENOUGH IS ENOUGH I don't know when will they wake up, they think everyone is stupid.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
LOVE ZAID HAMID now US and retard Indians will say I am aiding and supporting someone trying to instigate violence HOW PATHETIC, they just don't know what's happening and how Muslims and Pakistanis think. They wage wars against us, occupy our land, do media propaganda and fabricate evidences and lies against us and except us to sit back and just do nothing about it.

Loved what ZH said during the last few secs of true, this whole WAR ON TERROR drama should stop. Innocent people are dying everywhere, billions of $s are being wasted. Their own soilders and civilians are dying, it's strange yet their stupid people get fooled by their policy makers and media drama. US should be more focused health, education and economical reforms in 3rd world countries, they should keep their noses out of other nations politics, they should stop covert ops and sending their special teams/paying local terrorist to carry out assasinations for their regional and political gains ENOUGH IS ENOUGH I don't know when will they wake up, they think everyone is stupid.

I respect your opinion but would dare to differ,,,,, You are pointing towards the ''stupid'' American people who are being fooled by their policy makers and media all the time but what about us??? You don't know that when will THEY wake up but do you know when will we wake up???
Why should US be more focused on our education or health system??? Why should they even bother??? Its us who will look after these problems, If we are not interested in reforms in our country how can we ask some one else.... Some one who we already consider our enemy..............
I agree that if US stop their involvement in the region, we can overcome 80% of our problems but what if they don't??? What if they don't want to change their mentality???
My Dear! The change which will change our lives doesn't lies in the hands of Americans its in our hands. We have to change ourselves.
First we sell ourselves and then we demand for the dignity..... So strange.


Minister (2k+ posts)
For big change Mr.Zaid Hamid Zindabad !

Corrupt establishment Murdabad !

Pak Forces Zindabad Pakistan Zindabad !


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
LOVE ZAID HAMID now US and retard Indians will say I am aiding and supporting someone trying to instigate violence HOW PATHETIC, they just don't know what's happening and how Muslims and Pakistanis think. They wage wars against us, occupy our land, do media propaganda and fabricate evidences and lies against us and except us to sit back and just do nothing about it.

Loved what ZH said during the last few secs of true, this whole WAR ON TERROR drama should stop. Innocent people are dying everywhere, billions of $s are being wasted. Their own soilders and civilians are dying, it's strange yet their stupid people get fooled by their policy makers and media drama. US should be more focused health, education and economical reforms in 3rd world countries, they should keep their noses out of other nations politics, they should stop covert ops and sending their special teams/paying local terrorist to carry out assasinations for their regional and political gains ENOUGH IS ENOUGH I don't know when will they wake up, they think everyone is stupid.

Zaid Hamid, the only c;ear alternative for Pakistanis, Zindabad
Pakistan Paindabad


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Zaid Hamid, the only clear alternative for Pakistanis, Zindabad
Pakistan Paindabad

May I dare to ask a question??? Kia ''Pakistan zindabad'' kehnay se zindabad ho jaega??? If so then we all should start writing Zindabad, zindabad, zindabad.............. But I am afraid it won't work.
Despite all controversies around Zaid Hamid, I like this man because I can't see the inner of his soul and I thinks his belief is for ALLAH to see... BUT
How can he be the clear alternative??? [This is an honest question] because if you don't believe in a system there are two ways to change it,,,,, work within the system and reach to the top and change it [Which I think Zaid Hamid is not doing] and the other is revolution.......... Do you think Zaid Hamid will bring a revolution??? if yes then what do you think how long will it take???


Councller (250+ posts)
1. Well, if your government had decided not to participate in this war,
America would have "bombed you back to the stone age..."

2. So, you are fighting this war out of fear.
All this talk of stopping NATO supplies through Pakistan is all non sense. If America enforces a naval blockade then your country will collapse. Anyway you need money from IMF and World Bank, and America has the largest number of votes.

This is the answer for both of your two points, i dont need to add any thing else. America wish, we are ready.