Reasons of Sectarianism among Muslims


Minister (2k+ posts)
(Late) Dr. israr has valid points. Some other may also be:

i) The element of "intolerance" among the believers. Its beginning starts from the murder of Usman(rzt) and felt till right now. in other words it is called "mutual rivalry" (in arabic and Quranic language the word is "Bagyam bainhum".

ii) Ignoring the Quran totally. Making it just a sacred book for Sawab and Eesal-e-Sawab only.

iii) Total dependence on Hadiths/Rawat/Narrations/Dreams/Tell n tail etc.

iv) worshiping of "past" and "past personalities". The whole ummat is divided on them. Whereas two verses of Quran eliminates altogether this
concept. If believers should stick to Quran, take care of their present-day problems, and plan for future, the things should or must have been altogher different.

Quran, Quran and Quran, otherwise count the dead bodies at Darbars and Mosques and worshiping places. To whom Allah has sent astray, no one can guide him/her.


Senator (1k+ posts)
(Late) Dr. israr has valid points. Some other may also be:

i) The element of "intolerance" among the believers. Its beginning starts from the murder of Usman(rzt) and felt till right now. in other words it is called "mutual rivalry" (in arabic and Quranic language the word is "Bagyam bainhum".

ii) Ignoring the Quran totally. Making it just a sacred book for Sawab and Eesal-e-Sawab only.

iii) Total dependence on Hadiths/Rawat/Narrations/Dreams/Tell n tail etc.

iv) worshiping of "past" and "past personalities". The whole ummat is divided on them. Whereas two verses of Quran eliminates altogether this
concept. If believers should stick to Quran, take care of their present-day problems, and plan for future, the things should or must have been altogher different.

Quran, Quran and Quran, otherwise count the dead bodies at Darbars and Mosques and worshiping places. To whom Allah has sent astray, no one can guide him/her.

Although I don't like Dr. Israr but I have to agree with him. Quran Quran and Quran alone is not enough for us. If it was that all answers were so easy to understand, hazarat Umer would not say again and again "If Ali was not there, I would be dead".

Secondly, Allah says in Quran to do Taqleed of Ullama and wali Allah. These Darbars are the reason that Millions of Hindus accepted Islam in India and present Pakistan. They have a huge contibution in spreading Islam like Prophet Mohammad unlike some people in History who offer Islam to people with sword.

So Quran alone is not enough. It is for this specific reason Phophet Muhammad(PBUH) said : I am leaving you 2 things Quran and my Ahlay-baait( or sunnah).

Knowledge Seeker

Senator (1k+ posts)
Reasons of Sectarianism among Muslims!

In fact, we are suffering from the illness of intellectual dishonesty and self righteousness. This is reality and we should accept it that Muslim Ummah has been divided into different groups. Instead of playing blame game on Quran, Hadith, Fiqh (Taqleed), Tasawwaf, & so on for our root causes of division, We must focus to overcome our lack of knowledge and intolerance about other groups.

Imam Al Ghazali (May Allah bless him) writes about Brotherhood in Ihya ulum al-din:

The fifth duty is forgiveness of mistake and failings. The failing of a friend must be one of two kinds; either in his religion, through the commission of an offence; or in his duty to you, through an omission in brotherhood. In the case of religion, where he commits an offence and persists in it, you must advise him kindly so as to supply his deficiency, put his affairs in order, and restore him to a correct and virtuous state. As for his error in brotherly duty, by which he causes alienation, there is no disagreement on the proper course being forgiveness and patience. Indeed, whenever a good interpretation is possible, or an excuse - whether obvious or far-fetched - can be advanced, this obligatory in the duty of brotherhood.

The following clip is good example to honestly present the point of view of other groups.

May Allah give us wisdom about the unity of Muslims.
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