(Late) Dr. israr has valid points. Some other may also be:
i) The element of "intolerance" among the believers. Its beginning starts from the murder of Usman(rzt) and felt till right now. in other words it is called "mutual rivalry" (in arabic and Quranic language the word is "Bagyam bainhum".
ii) Ignoring the Quran totally. Making it just a sacred book for Sawab and Eesal-e-Sawab only.
iii) Total dependence on Hadiths/Rawat/Narrations/Dreams/Tell n tail etc.
iv) worshiping of "past" and "past personalities". The whole ummat is divided on them. Whereas two verses of Quran eliminates altogether this
concept. If believers should stick to Quran, take care of their present-day problems, and plan for future, the things should or must have been altogher different.
Quran, Quran and Quran, otherwise count the dead bodies at Darbars and Mosques and worshiping places. To whom Allah has sent astray, no one can guide him/her.
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