Reality of Talk Shows in Pakistan


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Talk shows are good if they are open , transpreantlly talk on TAX MONEY IS SPENDING ON each sector on ground . They must prove picture / paper that who is taking wornglly in thier account like zardari in swiss account, nawaz in london account altaf in london and dubai account ect ect.

Other wise one day media person also die and aswer to ALLAH too.


Minister (2k+ posts)
whatever but media should be appreciated what it is doing. I know they are hungry for commericials and to get more commercial they have to make their talk shows popular. If you see positively then their need to make shows popular ultimately goes in the favor of general public because they have to raise the issue, which public like to hear about. We should not forget this reality that these media organizations are not trusts or NGOs but these commercial organization so they will show what is popular. so if we, as public, want them to show the right thing and raise good issues then we should watch and promote only those channels and programs which according to you come in tier 1 or in other words, which are most constructive. but anyway brother I appreciate your effort and as being viewer of all shows i completely agree with your gradation of shows and politicians. I listen tier 3 people to enjoy and listen tier 1 shows to improve my knowledge.


Voter (50+ posts)
whatever but media should be appreciated what it is doing. I know they are hungry for commericials and to get more commercial they have to make their talk shows popular. If you see positively then their need to make shows popular ultimately goes in the favor of general public because they have to raise the issue, which public like to hear about. We should not forget this reality that these media organizations are not trusts or NGOs but these commercial organization so they will show what is popular. so if we, as public, want them to show the right thing and raise good issues then we should watch and promote only those channels and programs which according to you come in tier 1 or in other words, which are most constructive. but anyway brother I appreciate your effort and as being viewer of all shows i completely agree with your gradation of shows and politicians. I listen tier 3 people to enjoy and listen tier 1 shows to improve my knowledge.

Brother grading is by the author of the article on Passionat about Pakistan, I just shared it with my brothers here on siasatpk, you can also add comments on the blog page.


Voter (50+ posts)
Only Pakistan media???

Brother I think you have raised a valid question. I think we should watch shows by good credible journalists and we should who are the people who are acting as journalists to mislead their viewers.

I wouldn't call the whole media BS bc that might be unfair, bc media had done some good things too.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Most of these talk shows have become meaningless with very few shows that allow actual discussion to take place, please see below, and share your views:

I find it difficult to watch these shows now bc they dont give any useful information.


I totally agree that Pakistani media has become meaningless, and nothing of value comes out of these programs. At this point in time there is news talk show mayhem. People watch these shows for their entertaiment value. Most of these shows are not even news worthy. Some of us avoid watching them because they have become a nuisance.

There are many reasons why these talk shows are increasingly becoming ineffective and pointless. First and foremost, there are simply too many issues and our media is incapable of following up and following through on all the issues, despite the plethora of these shows being aired every night.

Secondly, the talk show hosts are not very knowledgeable and they don't seems to put alot of effort and research in these shows. Most of the time, infact all the time, they don't bring any evidence to the table while confronting these politicians. In the absence of any evidence the politicians easily twist and turn the issue, and because of that the issues get mixed up and the hosts fail to stay focused.

Thirdly, the hosts are very biased and opinionated. I accept the fact that they are entitled to have an opinion, but I expect them to form an opinion based on some facts and evidence and not just their emotions and personal likeness based on their ethnicit.

I think once we stop liking these shows, and make the media aware that we no longer care about these shows, then some of these shows will go off the air forever, and may be then some effective media will emerge from this talk show chaos.


MPA (400+ posts)
good point Shahid, you are absolutely correct in my opinion. What ever these talk shows, and even news anchors are doing these days, is not journalism. Journalism is, provision of information about an incident, fair information and complete information, and let the listner/ viewer/ reader draw conclusions from it. Let the reader/listner/viewer analyse that information according to his/her take on it.

What our media does is, they do not provide information, they tell us what their take on it. They pass judgments and force those judgements to the public. This is nor journalism, this is propagendaism. Media act as a party, they take sides and they pass judgements.

A classic example was Punjab Assembly resolution about media. Was it a bad resolution or a good one, is open to debate (in my opinion, it was a good resolution, and it should have gone a little far and should have condemn media for what they are doping) but the way media reacted to that resolution was shameful. What happened was, Media want the right to express their views, but they dont allow others to use the same right. Media think they can say whatever they want, against anybody, but they dont want others to use the same right.

This is a clear cut munafiqaana act from this disgraced media. and no body said a word about it because media is DADAGEER in our society. They are the real terrorists of our society.


Senator (1k+ posts)
good point Shahid, you are absolutely correct in my opinion. What ever these talk shows, and even news anchors are doing these days, is not journalism. Journalism is, provision of information about an incident, fair information and complete information, and let the listner/ viewer/ reader draw conclusions from it. Let the reader/listner/viewer analyse that information according to his/her take on it.

What our media does is, they do not provide information, they tell us what their take on it. They pass judgments and force those judgements to the public. This is nor journalism, this is propagendaism. Media act as a party, they take sides and they pass judgements.

A classic example was Punjab Assembly resolution about media. Was it a bad resolution or a good one, is open to debate (in my opinion, it was a good resolution, and it should have gone a little far and should have condemn media for what they are doping) but the way media reacted to that resolution was shameful. What happened was, Media want the right to express their views, but they dont allow others to use the same right. Media think they can say whatever they want, against anybody, but they dont want others to use the same right.

This is a clear cut munafiqaana act from this disgraced media. and no body said a word about it because media is DADAGEER in our society. They are the real terrorists of our society.

Hahaha... Are you member OF Punjab Assembly or you have a degree from Jamshoro University. 2 channels ARYOne world and Aaj Tv are not being shown in half of Karachi due to ban of PEMRA. Media is a toothless tiger with only a say on things tht's it. Their BREAKING NEWS does irk sometime but politicians only have problem with them when they are addressing concerns regarding Politicians' Lies from governance to their own level of education.
Pak Politicians are begging,borowwing,stealing, lying, cheating, damaging whatever British left off a little bit of infrastructure like TRAins that have been taken off ceratin due to their own corruption but people are suffering because of it.
If media is disallowed in Pakistan then in today's world, Pakistani crooks aka politicians will still be grilled from outside and that will be awfully worse. Its too late for politicians to work when as they are products of Sab Chalta Hai corrupt system and it is impossible for them to change, better to face media people with questions than public with pitchforks asking for their blood.
