good point Shahid, you are absolutely correct in my opinion. What ever these talk shows, and even news anchors are doing these days, is not journalism. Journalism is, provision of information about an incident, fair information and complete information, and let the listner/ viewer/ reader draw conclusions from it. Let the reader/listner/viewer analyse that information according to his/her take on it.
What our media does is, they do not provide information, they tell us what their take on it. They pass judgments and force those judgements to the public. This is nor journalism, this is propagendaism. Media act as a party, they take sides and they pass judgements.
A classic example was Punjab Assembly resolution about media. Was it a bad resolution or a good one, is open to debate (in my opinion, it was a good resolution, and it should have gone a little far and should have condemn media for what they are doping) but the way media reacted to that resolution was shameful. What happened was, Media want the right to express their views, but they dont allow others to use the same right. Media think they can say whatever they want, against anybody, but they dont want others to use the same right.
This is a clear cut munafiqaana act from this disgraced media. and no body said a word about it because media is DADAGEER in our society. They are the real terrorists of our society.