1) Reading the Quran but Practicing Something Else
Prevalent Culture
There is a prevalent culture among Muslims where they only view the Qur'an as a way of gaining reward for reciting out loud the Arabic words correctly. Such people think that they hold the Qur'an in high esteem, but this only keeps them away from studying the Qur'an as they should. Parents teach their children how to pronounce the Arabic words and send their children to evening schools to learn to recite the Qur'an correctly. Such people do not deny the importance of the Qur'an, but their idea of the role of the Qur'an is extremely mistaken and shallow. It is merely to either gain reward for each letter recited or to validate Salah by reciting some short chapters. Members of this majority group may even enjoy listening to recitations of the Qur'an, not because of the message in the Verses, but to appreciate the melody, or for relaxation purposes!
What Islam is, is merely everything else they hear outside of the Qur'an. Such people consider themselves highly religious, while they hold such an ignorant approach to the Qur'an. They recite the Qur'an frequently, but the recitation does not have any bearing on them. Then, they take all their religious guidance from outside the Qur'an - they think those practices amount to fulfilling their duty to the Qur'an. Many of such ignorant people's ideas and practices are even against what the Qur'an has to say, while they are not aware of it - or are aware of it but deliberately ignore thinking about it, laying excuses such as 'I am not knowledgeable enough' or 'I am a laymen, more knowledgeable people have said this, who are you and me to question?'
There is a prevalent culture among Muslims where they only view the Qur'an as a way of gaining reward for reciting out loud the Arabic words correctly. Such people think that they hold the Qur'an in high esteem, but this only keeps them away from studying the Qur'an as they should. Parents teach their children how to pronounce the Arabic words and send their children to evening schools to learn to recite the Qur'an correctly. Such people do not deny the importance of the Qur'an, but their idea of the role of the Qur'an is extremely mistaken and shallow. It is merely to either gain reward for each letter recited or to validate Salah by reciting some short chapters. Members of this majority group may even enjoy listening to recitations of the Qur'an, not because of the message in the Verses, but to appreciate the melody, or for relaxation purposes!
What Islam is, is merely everything else they hear outside of the Qur'an. Such people consider themselves highly religious, while they hold such an ignorant approach to the Qur'an. They recite the Qur'an frequently, but the recitation does not have any bearing on them. Then, they take all their religious guidance from outside the Qur'an - they think those practices amount to fulfilling their duty to the Qur'an. Many of such ignorant people's ideas and practices are even against what the Qur'an has to say, while they are not aware of it - or are aware of it but deliberately ignore thinking about it, laying excuses such as 'I am not knowledgeable enough' or 'I am a laymen, more knowledgeable people have said this, who are you and me to question?'
Real purpose of the Qur'an is to give guidance
The real purpose of the Qur'an is to give guidance to the individual human being who has been created to worship Allah. The Qur'an's guidance is in its meanings, not in the pronunciations of its Arabic letters. The guidance of the Qur'an is a mercy, cure and light for the true believers as it reveals many unknown secrets such as Allah's power, reasons to happening of events around us, and the true nature of Allah's religion. The Qur'an has been necessarily made easy to understand. But this majority have been bereft from this blessing, all while they are deceived into thinking they are following religion perfectly as they are fulfilling their own idea of what the purpose of the Qur'an is.
"We have sent down to you a Book containing your message. Do you not understand?" (Quran 21:10)
Thinking one is fulfilling their obligations toward the Qur'an by simply carrying out rituals such as prayer and fasting, without making the effort to find out what the Qur'an actually says about religion is a great deception. This is because the Qur'an is a Book to reflect upon, to learn from and to gain the necessary insight and wisdom it gives to be a real believer, this is a duty upon anyone who wants to be a Muslim. One cannot possibly be a true Muslim without having necessary knowledge and understanding of the Qur'an. If one only learns about the Quran from books written about the Quran, written by people, and does not feel the necessity to learn from the Quran directly himself, he is only deceiving himself. Allah mentions this ignorant approach in the words, Or do you have another book which you study? (Quran 68:39).
Worship based on make-believing that Qur'an is being followed in the flow of the majority and under blind trust of leaders without a personal attachment to the Qur'an and knowledge of the Qur'an, holds little or no value in Allah's sigh.
"We have sent down to you a Book containing your message. Do you not understand?" (Quran 21:10)
Thinking one is fulfilling their obligations toward the Qur'an by simply carrying out rituals such as prayer and fasting, without making the effort to find out what the Qur'an actually says about religion is a great deception. This is because the Qur'an is a Book to reflect upon, to learn from and to gain the necessary insight and wisdom it gives to be a real believer, this is a duty upon anyone who wants to be a Muslim. One cannot possibly be a true Muslim without having necessary knowledge and understanding of the Qur'an. If one only learns about the Quran from books written about the Quran, written by people, and does not feel the necessity to learn from the Quran directly himself, he is only deceiving himself. Allah mentions this ignorant approach in the words, Or do you have another book which you study? (Quran 68:39).
Worship based on make-believing that Qur'an is being followed in the flow of the majority and under blind trust of leaders without a personal attachment to the Qur'an and knowledge of the Qur'an, holds little or no value in Allah's sigh.
Let us ask ourselves: how much do we know about the Qur'an? Not superficial knowledge like the number of chapters or verses, or which city a chapter was revealed in, but the message in its Verses and their many intricacies and secrets. How much wisdom have you gained from the Qur'an? Have you read the entire Qur'an even once in your own language? How many times a day do you refer to the Verses of the Qur'an as you lead your day to day life? Are you sure whether any of your outlooks are from the Qur'an, or is your religion muddled?
The words of your Lord are complete in its truth and justice. Nothing can change His Words He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. If you obeyed most of those on earth, they would lead you away from the path of Allah. They follow nothing but speculation they are merely guessing. (Quran 6:115-116)
"This too, is a blessed Book which We have sent down follow it, and be conscious of your Lord, so that you may receive mercy lest you say, Books were sent to two communities before us: we were not aware of what they studied, or if only the Book had been sent down to us, we would have been better guided than them. Now your Lord has brought you clear evidence, guidance, and mercy. Who could be more wrong than someone who rejects Allahs Revelations and turns away from them? We shall repay those who turn away with a painful punishment." (Quran 6:155-157)
It is clear that being heedless of the Qur'an will lead to losses in this life and the Hereafter as Allah will call all people into account their level of adherence to the Qur'an.
Surely, the One who decreed the Quran to you will summon you to a predetermined appointment. Say: 'My Lord is fully aware of who it is that brings the guidance, and who has gone astray.' " (Quran 28:85)
As stated in the verse, all people are responsible for adhering to the way of life decreed by Allah in the Qur'an. Without direct knowledge of the Verses, practicing alleged claims about the Qur'an and following the majority, may not have any value in the sight of Allah.
Many people who do not have any Quranic insight or wisdom spread claims about the Qur'an's verses which are a far cry from the verses' true meanings. They usually get away with it as their audience has also been conditioned to simply follow 'sayings' about the Qur'an, rather than the Qur'an.
It is only when one opens his eyes and begins to comprehend the Verses of Allah, can he begin to follow the Book of Allah and hope to become a true Muslim.
"...Indeed there has come to you from Allah a Light and a Clear Book. With it Allah guides whoever follows His good pleasure to the ways of peace and brings them out from the darkness into the light by His permission: He guides them onto a straight path" (Qur'an 5:15-16)
All Muslims must consider their position in religion in relation to the Qur'an. Reciting the Qur'an without a sincere effort to understand the verses directly will not enlighten the human soul.
2) Lets Save Ummah from the Evils of So-Called Modernization
Many people who do not have any Quranic insight or wisdom spread claims about the Qur'an's verses which are a far cry from the verses' true meanings. They usually get away with it as their audience has also been conditioned to simply follow 'sayings' about the Qur'an, rather than the Qur'an.
It is only when one opens his eyes and begins to comprehend the Verses of Allah, can he begin to follow the Book of Allah and hope to become a true Muslim.
"...Indeed there has come to you from Allah a Light and a Clear Book. With it Allah guides whoever follows His good pleasure to the ways of peace and brings them out from the darkness into the light by His permission: He guides them onto a straight path" (Qur'an 5:15-16)
All Muslims must consider their position in religion in relation to the Qur'an. Reciting the Qur'an without a sincere effort to understand the verses directly will not enlighten the human soul.
2) Lets Save Ummah from the Evils of So-Called Modernization
Today we are derailing our trains from the righteous path of virtue to that of sin and calling all this Modern Islam. And in this issue I have tried my best to highlight what is the truth and myth behind all this traumatic philosophy of Muslims, today.
Our Muslim brothers and sisters today, are very well aware of models of immorality and they are very proud to have known them, but the saddest thing is that they really dont know who there true Role Models are? Muslim Ummah today is, living on the verge of destruction only because of ignorance of the teachings of Islam, but we are very happily living in this hallucination. Its all because we have left the gate, which leads us towards Allah Almighty. We have forgotten actually who we are? Whats our true identity? What is our religion? What it preaches us? We have the book but we dont know what it commands and demands us?
We are forgetting which way we should follow? What are the teachings of our Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad (Saw)? We are forgetting again and again that in what fire we are taking ourselves? We are forgetting our past, that warns us again and again:
Look O Muslims! When and where you left the path of Allah Almighty, denied and disobeyed the teachings of His Beloved Prophet (SAW), stepped against the laws and orders of the Holy Quran, derailed from the modes and conducts laid by Islam, you drowned, you fell into the pit of darkness, you left un-awarded, you got embarrassment, you lost your status, you gained hatred and last and of course the least, you earned Eternal Destruction
Have we ever tried to stop and ponder for a while?
Why are we Muslims in so much pain, from Euphrates to Nile?
So this is the crux of the matter that whenever we stopped pondering onto the commands of Allah Almighty and stopped following the Sunnah of Rasool Allah (SAW) we welcomed destruction. We have forgotten why Khilafat-I-Usmania ended in Turkey? Why our Libraries were burnt in Spain, and where after so many years, still Masjid-I-Qartaba is waiting for its Moazan.
What Children Should Be Taught?
Another important drawbacks of us is that we dont know the real meaning of Holy Quran, our elders think that when the child has finished up Nazra Quran , then its ok. No need to go in depth. O my brothers and sisters, unless and until we will not know what Allah Almighty commands us in His Holy Book than how can we be True Believers, True Followers, and True Muslims. If every child receives the lesson of Quran in its true real sense from the very beginning than it will become the part of his /her nature till reaching the youth. And if our youth will be free of vulgarity, immodesty than till death he/she will be successful in the Exams of Both the Worlds. Insha Allah Tala.
If today parents start giving their sons and daughters the lesson of lowering their gaze and to cover their faces respectively, as it is mentioned in the Holy Quran, In Surah Nur Verse # 30, 31
[24:30] Say To The Believing Men That They Should Lower Their Gaze And Guard Their Modesty: That Will Make For Greater Purity For Them: And Allah Is Well Acquainted With All That They Do.
[24:31] And Say To The Believing Women That They Should Lower Their Gaze And Guard Their Modesty;
If they do tell their children how much wrong it would be if they go against this rule and command of Allah Almighty, if they realize their true responsibilities then surely no Child will spoil, no Youngster will indulge in any sort of immodest acts, no Son Of Adam and Daughter Of Eve may suffer the torments of hell fire. Because this would be confirmed to them that following this rule will take them towards Allah Almightys love and mercy, and going against this command will earn them only n only Allah Almightys anger n wrath.
If today parents start giving their sons and daughters the lesson of lowering their gaze and to cover their faces respectively, as it is mentioned in the Holy Quran, In Surah Nur Verse # 30, 31
[24:30] Say To The Believing Men That They Should Lower Their Gaze And Guard Their Modesty: That Will Make For Greater Purity For Them: And Allah Is Well Acquainted With All That They Do.
[24:31] And Say To The Believing Women That They Should Lower Their Gaze And Guard Their Modesty;
If they do tell their children how much wrong it would be if they go against this rule and command of Allah Almighty, if they realize their true responsibilities then surely no Child will spoil, no Youngster will indulge in any sort of immodest acts, no Son Of Adam and Daughter Of Eve may suffer the torments of hell fire. Because this would be confirmed to them that following this rule will take them towards Allah Almightys love and mercy, and going against this command will earn them only n only Allah Almightys anger n wrath.
Responsibility of Parents & Elders:
But for this, parents must take first step i.e., they must strictly follow the Rules n Commands of ALLAH ALMIGHTY themselves. It is well know saying that children adopt their elders so a huge responsibility lies on the shoulders of the elders .If the character of Elders be right, they use to regard modesty, lower their gaze then surely Children will follow their footsteps, and the society will surely rail its train towards the right path.
How to Save Our Muslim Brothers and Sisters?
Now comes the real question that how can we save our Muslim brothers and sister, our age fellows, from the immoral acts? The answer to this question is none other than that we must first of all change ourselves according to the teachings of Islam completely and then let them know what may be the consequences of their immoral acts .Its because unless and until we ourselves will not strictly follow what we are preaching to others, we will never caste a spell on others. Subhan Allah, so we must go with the same spirit as being the followers of Rasool Allah (SAW), and if we, with full intention, do such an act (i.e. forbid our brother or sister from any Anti Islamic Act, by ourselves refraining from those) than Allah Almighty will surely put flavor in our quotes and a day will surely come when we will see them on the right track too, Insha Allah Ta'la. Its all because Allah Almighty promises so.
May Allah Almighty Help Us All In Understanding The Real Meaning Of Islam, And May He Almighty Succeed Our Efforts In His Way. Ameen.
Jazak Allah Khair.