
Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
lahori said:
George W Bush

Not only him,He is Kafir and he is going to hell anyway ,unless he become Muslim.But we muslims are somehow qatils too.Musharraf,and every other politicians for their purpose kill innocent people.But we the civilians have forgotten Jihad ,and the Muslims who are being killed by Kafirs everyday ,we are responsible for that too.May Allah accept us in his right path and give us Hidaya.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
lahori said:
Only allah can judge who will go to hell or not

Yeah but he has sent us his Prophets (PBUT) and His books...So u mean even Kafirs and Mushriks will go to Heaven?


Councller (250+ posts)
lahori said:
Only allah can judge who will go to hell or not

But definitely Allah has told us in Quran in many places who will go to hell or Jahannum. Qatel are included in that list. Also Mushrekin.