My Dear Friend,Look impossible. If this happens, i dare that it will be a worst disastor for the country. I don't say by mean of Corruption ( i proundly think that IK is one of the Cleanest personlity of our country among few), but meaning of managing the situatiion. I am not against PTI and wish them all the Best. but We have already seen what happened/happening to the country when we tried the inexperience Nawaz and Benazir in 1990's and now trying inexperience Zardari. Z A bhuttoi had spent about 10 years in the government before he formed his own government. So, he had expericed and he was quite successfull interms of managing and that lasted for about 6 years (ofcourse he did some big political blunder, became arrongant and that ended his political carreer and life). Checkout Manmohan Singh with soo much of experienced in finance sector before he became Prime minister, finance minister of his country in 1990's and once became the president of world bank also, and now look where he is leading his country's economy too. I personally think we need someone who had spent enough time in different fields/sectors of the governemnt already and have root level understanding of these problems/ challenging we are facing at the moment and should be well experienced to know how to manage them. Above of all, he should be Patroitic as IK or any other common Pakistani and not like those who come to Pakistan only to govern and leave next day. We can't take anymore risk, it is time we need to think as a nation for the better future for our country. Ik is the pround of Pakistan and built the biggest cancer hospital in Pakistan, running it successfully, but running a governemnt is not anywhere close to run a hospital in a city. For some people, best management is god gifted thing and i hope IK would be one of them.
Do you anticipate following emerging political landscape
President: A Q khan
PM: MQM or Musharraf or Imran
My Dear Friend,
One most important thing you might ignore, both Benazir and Nawaz Sharif were selected, and Imran is going to be elected because of his Leadership, his availability with easy access to common person. In few weeks he got more one 100 crore, don't you thing once he will be in the office, he will do the miracle Insha Allah. He have gain trust, so just wait and see. Street power is gathering around him.
Allah O Akbar
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