Punjab and China signed an agreement to generate 120 MW of Electricity


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Future's Khadim-e-Aala Hamza Sharif

in ki family billions main tax daiti hai. not like your 2 number fraud and jhoota leader. jis ko sirf 2 batain yaad hoti hain
Are you blind, deaf and dumb? If not, then see the video, it shows your leaders' own nomination papers in which they mentioned their income tax, now dont say Imran Khan or ISI forced them to write fake numbers in their nomination papers.
If they really paid billions in tax, who stopped them from writing it in the nomination papers? You are a proven blind follower of Sharifs, this shows how much brain you have.


Minister (2k+ posts)
This post should be enough for any literate and educated person to find out how honestly PMLN leaders pay INCOME TAX.

Dislike all my posts, be blind to reality and ignore what your leaders wrote by their own hands about their income tax but that doesnt change the truth. They are tax-evaders and all of their income tax paid in 2007 combined is still less than Imran Khan's 18.5 lac tax.
Now keep ignoring the facts and be a blind follower and do your best to abuse and malign Imran Khan.