PTI's Mass Exodus Continues


Councller (250+ posts)
Lets keep the rhetoric to the case in point. A minority member from PMLN has not resigned but a member from PTI has resigned pointedly telling us that as a minority member he was not allowed to meet the party chairman and PTI as a political unit remained silent on many serious issues facing minorities.

No amount of name calling is going to make these facts fly away. This is a ridiculous claim that it is happening in PMLN's government as the member who resigned belongs to Sindh. Rather then knee jerk reactions I hope you will read the resignation letter I can assure you that it won't take more then two brain cells to absorb the information :D.

I was actually hoping you'd say something intelligent as you are one of the Nooras that I regard as having more brain cells than the typical Noora (who has none) - what a disappointment!

Imran Khan and Tehreek-e-Insaf's policy on minorities has always been clear and he has stated on many occasions that equal rights for minorities is in constitution of Tehreek-e-Insaf. Just the below links should open your eyes, unless you want to argue like an idiot like Nooras often do.

  1. Imran Khan Answering Youth Questions & Shedding Light on PTI's Policies Once in Power
  2. Imran Khan's message for Christians and Minorities
  3. Imran Khan addressing minorities at Lahore jalsa
  4. Minorities Delegation visits PTI Media Office
  5. Dr Seemin visits Minorities
  6. PTI Balochistan celebrates Christmas with Christian Minorities
  7. Mehmood Achakzai on Human Rights of Minorities

کہاں تک سنو گے کہاں تک سناؤں؟ اپنی آنکھوں پر بندھی نورانی پٹی اتار دیجئے جناب. سب صاف دکھائی دے گا

Now coming to your ridiculous claim and presenting it as something to take credit of that no minority member of PMLN has resigned. I would rather have politicians from minority groups show spine and character and stand up for their rights regardless of which party they are from. If a PTI minority member has done it, bravo! Why aren't Noora minority members not doing it?

Please don't claim PMLN minority members do not resign is because minorities enjoy equal rights in Punjab because of great policies and governance of Khadim-e-Aala. The situation in Punjab is also terrible, if only you would open your eyes. This is also a response to your ridiculous attempt to use Michael Javed's Sindh location to try to present Punjab as the perfect province where minorities are not denied their rights.

It does not matter where they are abused and denied their rights. Whoever is in power there must be held responsible for not taking measures to ensure they get equal rights, respect and justice. PMLN is not doing so, neither is PPP. My response was directed to PMLN because of the PMLN supporters going crazy here and trying to present PTI as a party that does not believe in rights of minorities.

So intelligent one, get your house in order. Show spine like Michael Javed and leave PMLN as they have not done anything minority rights in their 5 years rule despite having all the power to do it.

Yours is the party that is making alliances with declared terrorist outfits. I hope you know. Read if you don't and direct some questions towards your own party leaders instead of being a dumb blind follower. Stand for principles and not for PMLN. There is no money in it, but there is respect.


Councller (250+ posts)

He did respect his name Michael (Arabic: ميخائيل, Mikhail ميكائيل, Mikael ), is one of the two archangels mentioned in the Qur'an, alongside Jibreel (Gabriel). In the Qur'an, Michael is mentioned once only, in Sura 2:98: "Whoever is an enemy to God, and His angels and His messengers, and Jibreel and Mikhail! Then, lo! God (Himself) is an enemy to the disbelievers."[SUP][15][/SUP] Some Muslims believe that the reference in Sura 11:69 is Michael, one of the three angels who visited Abraham.

He only talk about behaviour of PTI when it's come to issue relating to minorties. I think it is consider a sin in religon of PTI to criticize on party policy and above all raising a voice against so called Masiah AKA Zakat Khan (May Allah Curse that l-un-ty for ever)

قریشی صاحب آپ کو میں نے ہمیشہ عزت سے مخاطب کیا ہے. ازراہ کرم مجبور نہ کریں کہ آپ سے اس طرح بات کی جائے جو آپ کو مناسب نہ لگے. ابھی تک کسی تھریڈ پر ہماری بات ہوئی تو آپ نے دلیل سے بات کرنے کی کوشش کی چاہے کمزور دلیل ہو. بلکل جواب نہیں بنا جب تو خاموش ہو گئے . اب اگر آپ غلیظ گفتگو کریں گے تو جواب آپ کو پسند نہیں اے گا

جہاں تک آپ کی پوسٹ کا تعلق ہے، یہ صرف آپ کی کم عقلی ہے. پوسٹ کو دوبارہ پڑھیں، شاید سمجھ آ جائے بندر کی عقل کس کے بارے میں کہا گیا ہے. خواہ مخواہ قرانی آیت کو اپنے مذموم مقاصد کے لئے مت استعمال کریں


قریشی صاحب آپ کو میں نے ہمیشہ عزت سے مخاطب کیا ہے. ازراہ کرم مجبور نہ کریں کہ آپ سے اس طرح بات کی جائے جو آپ کو مناسب نہ لگے. ابھی تک کسی تھریڈ پر ہماری بات ہوئی تو آپ نے دلیل سے بات کرنے کی کوشش کی چاہے کمزور دلیل ہو. بلکل جواب نہیں بنا جب تو خاموش ہو گئے . اب اگر آپ غلیظ گفتگو کریں گے تو جواب آپ کو پسند نہیں اے گا

جہاں تک آپ کی پوسٹ کا تعلق ہے، یہ صرف آپ کی کم عقلی ہے. پوسٹ کو دوبارہ پڑھیں، شاید سمجھ آ جائے بندر کی عقل کس کے بارے میں کہا گیا ہے. خواہ مخواہ قرانی آیت کو اپنے مذموم مقاصد کے لئے مت استعمال کریں

I can not change my view about your leader. If you or any brother want to get personal just because of scum bag leader you are more then welcome to go ahead :)

Abdur Rahman

New Member
Lets keep the rhetoric to the case in point. A minority member from PMLN has not resigned but a member from PTI has resigned pointedly telling us that as a minority member he was not allowed to meet the party chairman and PTI as a political unit remained silent on many serious issues facing minorities.

No amount of name calling is going to make these facts fly away. This is a ridiculous claim that it is happening in PMLN's government as the member who resigned belongs to Sindh. Rather then knee jerk reactions I hope you will read the resignation letter I can assure you that it won't take more then two brain cells to absorb the information :D.

Although the authenticity of this 'resignation' has yet to be proved. And the resignation is of the date: 2-11-2012 i.e. of 2nd November. But we have Michael Javed say other things on 23rd November: ( in this article we have also have info abt a large number of people from the minorities joining PTI).

We know, however, Imran khan did condemn hindu forced conversions and also said he was ashamed of being a Pakistani (on the killing of a Hindu). He also personally met with the families of those who were affected by violence in Sindh (the Hindu minority families) he also met with people who were deciding to migrate to India (some of the examples can be found here: -at 1:24-1:55 min and here: He was the only politician who went to visit the Ahmadis admitted in hospitals after they were attacked. Then he was the only mainstream politician to condemn the arrest of the Christian girl on blasphemy charges ( -our brothers from PML-N were abusing him for that). The only politician to condemn Mumtaz Qadri and the murder of Shahbaz Bhatti. He organized minority conventions where he met with priests and with pandits and with sikh leaders and all of them "swore allegiance" to him (can't find the whole video of that, however his adress at that minority convention is available:

No other politician even thought of doing all the above. But may be on party level there was/is deficiency in properly adressing various issues because the party is not in power and is busy in intra-party elections.

But let me ask you, who is the leader of the minoritities in PML-N?? When has Nawaz S or Shahbaz S ever met some minority religious leader or held a minority convention? when have they visited minorities in hospitals (after they were attacked). Who speaks for minorities in PML-N? -No one to any body's knowledge!


Councller (250+ posts)
I can not change my view about your leader. If you or any brother want to get personal just because of scum bag leader you are more then welcome to go ahead :)

یار بڑے ڈنگر انسان ہو تم، کچھ تہذیب کے دائرے میں رہتے تھے، اب دعوت دے رہے ہو کہ بے عزت کیا جائے. کسی نے بتایا نہیں تمھیں کے کسی کے بارے میں کوئی رائے رکھنا اور اپنے مونہہ سے غلیظ الفاظ برآمد کرنا دو مختلف باتیں ہیں. اگر کسی اصول پر بات کرتے تو شاید مناسب بھی لگتا، لیکن اصول پر بات کرتے تو خادم اعلیٰ کے لئے اس سے بھی غلیظ الفاظ کا چناؤ کرنا پڑتا



یار بڑے ڈنگر انسان ہو تم، کچھ تہذیب کے دائرے میں رہتے تھے، اب دعوت دے رہے ہو کہ بے عزت کیا جائے. کسی نے بتایا نہیں تمھیں کے کسی کے بارے میں کوئی رائے رکھنا اور اپنے مونہہ سے غلیظ الفاظ برآمد کرنا دو مختلف باتیں ہیں. اگر کسی اصول پر بات کرتے تو شاید مناسب بھی لگتا، لیکن اصول پر بات کرتے تو خادم اعلیٰ کے لئے اس سے بھی غلیظ الفاظ کا چناؤ کرنا پڑتا

That's habit of zakat khan suporters. They like to spit and lick but for me i just like to spit on Mr Zakat khan and let Zakatians to lick my spit on Khan's face(thumbsdown)