PTI should b appreciated for bringing nations attention to irregularities in the election process :-

Rameez Chaudhry

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Why Bilawal is so confused. He was calling it a circus previously and damage to the country and now saying PTI should be appreciated for this. Is it a U-turn or he has short term memory loss issue?

Abdul Haadi

Senator (1k+ posts)
Who told him that Pakistan have crisis. So he is back into politics, I mean through tweets. Abbu is back into Pakistan so now I can tweet.

Haris Abbasi

Minister (2k+ posts)
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اس جیسی عجیب پاری کہیں نہی دیکهی جس میں آپس میں آتفاق ہی نہ ہو
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MPA (400+ posts)
himr zardari today the circus was in rai_wind behind the zoo.jhoot ka badshah rehman malik was also there>
