Pray as you see me praying


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

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It’s so important to correct your prayer and pray as the prophet sallaahu alaihi wasallam prayed. In the above hadith in Saheh AlBukahri 7246, the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam told us how important it is to pray exactly as he did.

In a hadith narrated by Imam Ibn hajar AlAsqalani in his book Al-Isaaba volume 3 page 344, while the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam was sitting a man came greeted the prophet and started praying, when he finished and wanted to leave he greeted the prophet and the prophet told him GO BACK AND PRAY you didn’t pray yet. The man did second time and the prophet said GO BACK AND PRAY you didn’t pray yet, the third time, the man did the same and the prophet said: GO BACK AND PRAY you didn’t pray yet. The man said: O’ messenger of Allah: I know no better than this. The prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam stood up and showed him how to pray. In fact the prophet taught him how to pray. The prophet emphasized stability and tranquility in postures. The man was so quickly praying that he finished the whole prayer as most of us do today within a minute or two.

To be calm and stable in postures ??????? is one of the pillars of the Salaah. To stand and be stable in that position, bow down and be stable in that position, come back from it and be stable in that position and prostrate and be stable in that position.
YOU DID NOT PRAY YET, said the scholars, meant that if that man died in that situation, in other words praying in that way, then he would not have been praying at all. Today most of us don’t do the calmness, stability and tranquility conditional as a pillar of the prayers.
What does pillar mean
??? ? It means a sustenance for a building. What will happen if one of the pillars upon which a building is supported has been demolished. Indeed, the building willfall down and crumble.; likewise will one’s Salaah fall down and break when this pillar of stability, calmness and tranquility is broken.

Yet again, the full reward of the Salaah can only be achieved by the will and mercy of Allah first and by following strictly how the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam prayed.

May Allah accept and bless our prayers and supplications

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