PPP's Amazing Last 5 Years: Systematic Destruction of the Economy

Continuing from Last weeks article on Law and Order in the last Five years of the Glorious PPP government, this week the focus turns to economy and how PPP has systematically destroyed it in the last five years. The purpose of this post is to simply put forward what the PPP led coalition government has done to Pakistans economy without being biased and by simply relying on hard facts. Because of the enormity of PPPs achievements in the field of screwing the economy sideways, this will be a two part post.

So where do we start? Well listing all the crisis would be step one. Following are the MAJOR crisis in the last 5 years that PPP has successfully overseen;
1. CNG Crisis
2. Energy Crisis
3. Commodity Crisis
4. Sugar Crisis
5. Rupee Crisis

In addition to that, there is the epic corruption that PPP has overseen which the PPP appointed Chairman NAB, Fasih Bokhari admitted was close to about 12 Billion Rupees per day instead of the 7 Billion Rupees per day quoted by Transparency International. And then there are hosts of statistics that basically paint a clear cut down ward trend throughout the last five years the PPP has been in charge.

The Crises Crisis

It is unfair not to quote the entire crisis that the PPP has successfully managed to plunge Pakistan in to over the last five years but as this is a blog post, only the major ones have made the cut.

Continued ...


In flames

MPA (400+ posts)
Good choice of words,this is indeed systematic destruction of Pakistan and all of its institution and its moral fabric as well.This is all by design not accidental as they like to give this impression.