Poor Children Of Balochistan CJ Takes Notice


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Just heard the news, on Express News,
CJ Iftikhar Chudhry has taken the notice.


Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This is criminal negligence by the health department and especially by the people who were in knowledge of it.
I think this is not a difficult thing to diagnose because it involves some type of maggots which take home in the skin and usually transmitted by mosquitos. This may be harder to treat but that can not be the reason for not trying!
May Allah give them health and very happy that CJ has taken note of it. Some serious punishments should be coming.


Councller (250+ posts)
centuries of Ignorance, this is how much Sardars,Nawabs and waderas of Baluchistan take care of their people.Its time that baluch should get rid of their sardars and bring a change.


If CJ has to take all actions than what are the functions of assembly , ministers and health department?


My dear brothers Balushistan need change and that change must come soon and has to come on micro level.These Baluchi Sardars should be shot.Look what they did to good muslims of our Province.Their owen children are studing in London and Newyork.Where you think Buggti was educated.No wonder our enimies will take advantage of this.


Minister (2k+ posts)
its strange after 62 years of pakistan we are still disconnected from the remote villages of our country... thanks to the reporter and express news that we atleast know how tough the life is out there. and you imagin how many incidents out there we dnt know about... may Allah bless these kids with good health... It hurts to see these innocent kids facing such horrible health probles..... Pakistan khapppppe....