PMLN Leader & Former CM KPK Pir Sabir Shah chanting "GO NAWAZ GO"


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: PML N Leader & Former CM Pir Sabir Shah chanting "GO NAWAZ GO"

This goes to show how stupid people are... all of them didn't even realised that they were in PMLN JALSI and just bcoz of the leader had a slipped of tongue they all followed him like a well trained D0g... these NOORA'S are Brain Dead !!!!!
May b they were all hungry and expecting KEEMY WALY NAAN after the JALSI surly they dont give a Fcuk...
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(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: PML N Leader & Former CM Pir Sabir Shah chanting "GO NAWAZ GO"

​Khalqq ki zabaan ko naara(naqara) e Khuda samjho
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ProFx Victory

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: PML N Leader & Former CM Pir Sabir Shah chanting "GO NAWAZ GO"

This goes to show how stupid people are... all of them didn't even realised that they were in PMLN JALSI and just bcoz of the leader had a slipped of tongue they all followed him like a well trained D0g... these NOORA'S are Brain Dead !!!!!
May b they were all hungry and expecting KEEMY WALY NAAN after the JALSI surly they dont give a Fcuk...

Actually they are not supporters they are Ptwaris that is why they dont know what they are saying .


Minister (2k+ posts)

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v r imran k

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
haad hay yar kafi dair tak go nawaz go ab to khuda nay b in ki zuban per jari ekr diya go nawaz goo[hilar]
