Past Travelers writing about Pilgrimage to Mecca


Past Travelers writing about Pilgrimage to Mecca.

Can't say much, how and where can a reader find resources in Pakistan. But there are plenty of Books documenting Haj and its adventures through the ages.

Why I am putting this post, simple... it's a list for readers to trace back to names and references, markers for one to read in detail about how Past people practiced Islam. Our Islamic history in the making.

What interest me most is the fact how Nation change, from being Kings and Nobles to salves. From being butchers and robbers to kings. Read about Hajjis being robbed and killed in volume of thousands for a few pieces of gold. Wahhabi and Turks killing each other. If you think we as Pakistani are corrupt.. read about how administration worked under Ottoman Empire. How
Begum of Bhopal was harassed by custom officers under Turks. How in the process of purification of Islam.. Holy Landmarks in Medina and Mecca destroyed for ever. Local Mecca Sharifs performance through the ages.

Dates mentioned against the names is in Gregorian calendar format.

Naser-e Khosraw Persia 1050.

Ibn Jubayr, Spain 1183-84

Ibn Battuta, Morocco, 1326

Ludovico di Varthema, Bologna 1503

Joseph Pitts, England 1685

Ali Bey al-Abbasi Spain 1807

Her Highness Sikandar, the begum of Bhopal, India 1864
