Pakistan PM criticized for ‘insulting’ encounter with Saudi Arabia’s King Salman (VIDEO) : RT


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
***LOL THIS IS LOVELY! Khan should only bows before ONE king which is ALLAH THE GOD ALMIGHTY! Its about time somebody shows these "Royals" a mirror that they're not above the grand existence of our true king, ALLAH*** CHACHA TAILY LEFT CONFUSED ?

The prime minister of Pakistan is facing a social media furore for allegedly disrespecting the king of Saudi Arabia when the two leaders met for the Arab nation’s OIC summit in Mecca.

Imran Khan was filmed walking the elaborate red carpet to meet King Salman, following a brief handshake and greeting. However, it appeared from the footage that the Pakistani PM spoke directly to the monarch’s translator rather than addressing the royal himself.
Khan can be seen pointing and gesticulating as he speaks to the translator before walking away, apparently without giving King Salman the opportunity to respond.

Social media users took to Twitter to express their fury over the “disrespectful” and “insulting” encounter, with some calling for Pakistan to prioritize diplomacy skills when next choosing their leader.
Claims on Twitter that bilateral meetings between the leaders were canceled as a result of the monarch’s displeasure at the odd greeting appear unfounded, however, as Khan later met with the king and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud before delivering an address at the summit.

He criticized some Western states for their Islamophobia and called on them to “differentiate between moderate Muslims and extremist Muslims,” Dawn reports.

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Minister (2k+ posts)
Imran Khan koo Muutar lagaa hogaa.....yehii bata kai bhagaa tu Pak PM bhouth izat kartaa hai prince saudi kii...Saudi nay hameesha buraa waqtoo mai pak kii maddad kii hai....Also video mai Prince nay Imran khan koo janaa kaa khaa isharaa sai...jis kai jawab PM nay diyaa...


Senator (1k+ posts)
so did the meeting with the King really got cancelled?
I can see from twitter that he met with MBS only.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Even though i keep writing against IK. I liked IKs conduct here. No one is worthy of ultimate respect except Allah. And Imran Khan has shown that with his gesture.
There is absolutely nothing disrespectful towards King. But if someone was expecting more. There is nothing extra to give too.
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Champion 01

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Even though i keep writing against IK. I liked IKs conduct here. Noone is worthy of ultimate respect except Allah. And Imran Khan has shown that with his gesture.
There is absolutely nothing disrespectful towards King. But if someone was expecting more. There is nothing extra to give too.
Raja jee.
Well said, but one thing i want to point out is this “NOON E” is just on Patwaris mind all the time. (Just joking).
You wanted to say NONE. isnt it. ??


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Maybe he was actually talking to the interpreter. And if not, then regardless, it was not disrespectful. Funny that its the clowns that are complaining. I dont hear the Saudi media talking about it.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Well done khan, why do they make mentally physical disable person king, aik did right and spoken with right person.


Come on folks IK has more international exposure than anybody here in this blog and met more head of states through out his carrier and hence know the protocols.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Khan should show more respect to the world leaders. He should not turn his face away while they are holding his hand. He is representing whole nation somebody got to tell him.....


Senator (1k+ posts)
Generally IK is better at interaction than all our leaders of last 11 years. But something seems very off here in this video.
He was walking pass the gaurds/ministers (whoever they were) like he was taking a stroll in a park, his gesturing seemed a bit rudish, and generally when you talk to a person through a translator you focus on the person you are talking rather than the translator, like King Salman was doing. and offcourse you donot walk away from a conversation without excusing yourself. These ettics have got nothing to do with talking to a King, but talking to anybody in a professional environment.
