Pakistan ki Aan Imran Khan .


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Are you getting jealous that noora does not have same support as IK :)
oh bhai, makes money from advertisements and its revenue is proportional to number of visitors to a forum/site. Similar to how facebook, google, youtube, bloggers, etc make their money. Youtube does not charge you any money for posting an election campaign video but they do make money from users video.
I don't care for PMLN, Q, P, A, B, C or whatever. I don't care for PPP. I don't care for the Mullah parties. I don't care for any of your current crop of "Leaders". My issue is not honesty or corruption - My issue is competence of the candidates. I would take a sly crook who is competent rather than honest guy who is incompetent. Look at places like Australia and the United States - all had crooks who were competent. Competent leaders make good leaders.

Zafar Malik

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)


Minister (2k+ posts)
Usually internet forums have strict rules for using their bandwidth and resources for election candidate promotions. If I owned, I'd not let people run their political campaigns on my forum - unless they paid for it. ;)

You always have double standard. One law for the daughter/son in law and the other one for the bakery boy.

Look at some of the threads that were started by Shebaz Sharif's promotion cell.

Zafar Malik

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Imran khan dont need any promoting hand or promotion by thread like this . it is my love with him cause i think he is better choice for pakistan right now we need honest , brave , Good organiser and sincere leader .
and he is Imran Khan