India intended to keep its troops in Bangladesh for an indefinite period but it was forced to withdraw the troops due to return of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on January 10, 1972, who publically asked India to withdraw its troops from Bangladesh. Ex-President of India Late Zail Singh exposed Indian plans during an interview. Mr Singh said that the decision of withdrawing Indian troops was not judicious as it hampered Indias interests.This interview was published in Indian newspapers on July 27, 1987.
The original RAW plan to keep Indian troops permanently in Bangladesh having failed, efforts were initiated on other fronts to cripple sovereignty of the new state. RA. W policy makers were well aware that it was no longer easy to swallow a country by force. The traditional method of occupying a country is neither appreciable nor practicable. Now-a-days no occupation army gets world recognition. Rather it has to face world-wide condemnation and defamation.
But it does not mean that an expansionist bully will leave its aggressive zeal in the New World Order. Now to over run a country an aggressor cripples its citizens psychologically and reduces its economy to shambles to create such a situation that its citizens no longer possess mental strength and inspiration to be self-reliant. That country becomes a market of foreign goods having failed to develop its own resources. And ultimately the country becomes bankrupt and overburdened with foreign debt. The spontaneity, vigour and vitality of the people are wiped out and they loose their spirit to resist an invader. Though the country seems to be independent outwardly but psychologically and culturally its people are made subservient. They become imitative. Their cultural identity and exclusiveness and their spirit of nationalism gradually die down. A day then comes when they fail to perceive the significance and necessity of protecting independence and sovereignty. RAW relentlessly has been endeavouring to create such a situation in Bangladesh.
With this end in view India wants to turn Bangladesh into a desert by withdrawing water of forty international rivers. The Chakmas are instigated to snatch away Chittagong Hill Tracts, the soul of Bangladesh. Efforts are made to infiltrate Indian secret agents .under the cover of 'Bangabhumi' and 'push back'. Educational institutions are made to cease work in order to drive away students to Indian educational institutions. Agents are engaged to help close the local mills and factories in the name of trade union movements. To create psychological insecurity Talpatti, Muhurir char, Nirmal Char and many other areas of Bangladeshi territory have already been taken away illegally and forcibly.
BSF and Indian killers are infiltrated into Bangladesh to hijack or kill Bangladeshi citizens and plunder their belongings. Above all cultural and religious identity of 90% people of Bangladesh is being eroded out by systematic attacks on Islamic values.
RAW side by side creates political instability and unrest through its agents. In such a situation people become reluctant, irritated, disgusted and disrespectful to the leadership of the country as they fail to ascertain the real friend and foe of the country. When this situation goes from bad to worse and the national leaders fail to ensure the security of life and property of the common people they themselves may invite foreign power on their soil as their saviour. Sikkim, a Himalayan Kingdom, went underthe domination of India through this process.
RAW is applying above technique in Bangladesh more aggressively and systematically. RAW plans to throw Bangladesh to the brink of such uncertainty and destruction by wiping out its cultural identity, crippling its economy, creating political impasse ,and instability so that the demand for Indian intervention should rise from within Bangladesh. To respond to such a so-called invitation India has prepared before hand the legal ground by compelling Bangladesh to sign the 25 years Peace and Friendship Treaty. In. the meantime, RAW agents like Taslima Nasreen are propagating to wipe out the border of Bangladesh in order to merge with India. Indian intellectuals also do not feel ashamed to plead for re-unification of Bangladesh with India. For RAW Bangladesh is a test case to materialise its blue print of United India.