I dont have any doubt on mr.shahbaz sharif's good intention of introducing roti for two rupees but the corruption and mismanagement in this project are very likely and high so one should not discount these issues at the same time.All the rich people also getting benefit of this whereas they can afford to pay higher amount to buy the roti.mr.sharif should have started the project like create jobs which benefit only the poors so they could afford their living. Benazir Income support is also comes into the same catagory,lots of misconception about this project-corruption,mis-management and supporting PPP's workders.PPP govt should have started the project which would create jobs, people work and make their living rather living on charities , the politicians and bureaucrats are busy in corruption in this project.Well the main issue is honesty which we dont see in this govt anyway.Politicians who talk about the poors and common person have amased billions of dollars in foreign banks and still brag about the poors.sharif brothers ,chaudhry brothers ,zardari and others all are in the same boat. The ministers who are driving around in bullet proof cars or SUV ,how many times they are attacked or bombed so far in two and a half years.They just want a luxury life style,want to have all the amenities on the expense of poors because they dont know what will happen tommorrow so why not today enjoy the life. I would say it again why our blind govt dont see our neighbour india whose ministers and PM are going in ordinary cars. Our country is virtually bankrupt but when our politcians will learn to be honest and patriotic with this unfortunate nation which is called "PAKISTAN" .