Kashif was trying to accomodate Pti with going after shrif family cases after yesterday program so that he also invite Haroon rasheed sahab
but Kashif ka sitara gardish main hy memon ny sara mahool kharab kar diya
well tried by Kashif to calm PTI after yesterday bongi
Haroon sahab always very logical handled very well to all PMLn and PPP tattos , very clean person and focused
I think Kashif need to do more some more program to calm down PTI follower that mostly youth and all others (Kisaan, driver, mummy dady, burgers, student, kids, woman, rich poor, also from all over the world are with IK and opposition of IK will have to face all of them)
but Kashif face now showing he had done some unfair with IK with baseless debate...... debate should be clear and informed prior so the person can bring all documents and files which is impossible for someone to memorize date, time and figures
we will appreciate not only Kashif but to all to bring good debate with IK or PTI, but dont bring nasty agenda in mind coz people of Pakistan judging now day every ancher credibility
we would appreciate Kashif bring all documented debate with one on one with Nawaz sharif and Zardari or Altaf hussain also Fazal who are in Politics and in power from 25 years
The way Haroon sahab replied to Memon and kashif was owsum as he knows each and every facts transection of IK as we all nation know also
But i am sure when someone will bring nawaz and zardari togather and ask there curroption the will become one and attak to the person or judges asking them