Meher Bukhari very nice show thank you.Mr.Raza Abdi have to defend PPP and its president ,he can't help it so i dont blame him- at least he have to pay back for the fovourtism he got from the govt so its vice versa.As for mr. sadiq al farooq is concerned he did his job to defend PML-N and their leaders but in real sense the both leaders dont deserve the respect these two guys are giving them. I swear to God,i have nothing personel against anyone of them when i do criticize ,i do it in the national interest that they might listen and do something for the country and poor people.As for i am concerned, with god's blessing i am doing fine,i just ask for the country but in three years what govt and opposition have played their role,everyone saw it . It hurts to see the nation is going downhill and people are dying with hunger and committing suisides.I have been constantly harrassed by phones and emails but i dont care,person have to die one day so whats a big deal if i die for telling the truth, to me i am doing the jehad for the nation and its poors , I have just one question for Mr. Abdi forget the local media ,what about the foreign media who is giving so negative picture of Mr.zardari- dont you think something is wrong somewhere? The discussion between mr.abdi and mr. farooq really annoyed me because hard to listen anyone of them, talking at the same time. i think there should be some kind of guide lines and some manners for talk shows.