Nawaz Sharif will end up a Ceremonial Prime Minister

Syed Haider Imam

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Nawaz close to reaching deal with Army: WSJ


ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is close to making a deal with the Pakistan Army, in the backdrop of the political events that are unfolding in the federal capital, The Wall Street Journal reported.

The report suggests that as per the proposed agreement, the armed forces would control strategic policy areas, such as relations with the United States, Afghanistan and India.

The military has extracted a promise of freedom for former president (retd) General Pervez Musharraf and that Sharif's government had secretly agreed to let Musharraf go abroad after a symbolic indictment over treason, which took place in March.

The Wall Street Journal says the government went back on the deal as a result of which trust had eroded between the military and Sharif.

"If Nawaz Sharif survives, for the rest of his term, he will be a ceremonial prime minister—the world will not take him seriously," said Ayesha Siddiqa, an analyst based in Islamabad. "A soft coup has already taken place. The question is whether it will harden," the report says.

Government aides said the military has seized on Sharif's weakened status during the political crisis and are now seeking guarantees from the prime minister that he will follow through on the agreement, the report suggests.

It also says that for the rest of his term, Sharif will be a ceremonial prime minister.

"If Nawaz Sharif survives, for the rest of his term, he will be a ceremonial prime minister—the world will not take him seriously," said Ayesha Siddiqa, an analyst based in Islamabad. "A soft coup has already taken place. The question is whether it will harden," the report says.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
نواز شریف اگر رہ گیا تو حکومت ایسے ہی کرے گا
جیسے ایک اندھا بس میں آنکھوں کا سرمہ بیچے
خریدار بھی کنفیوز بیچنے والا بھی کنفیوز


Minister (2k+ posts)
Ab Pakistan mein do do Mamnoon Hussain ho jayein gay..

Ek Mamnoon Hussain President House
Doosra Mamnoon Hussain PM House.



MPA (400+ posts)
Whether Nawaz shareef stays or not, TUQ implements his revolution or not, whether Imran khan turn this country upside down with his Tsunami or not. The winner of this turmoil will eventually be Musharaf who will be let free very soon. This whole drama was orchestrated to let Musharaf go and they have succeeded. Tabdeli ayegii nahi Tabdeli aa chuki hai.


Minister (2k+ posts)
آرمی کی کوشش ہو گی کہ یہ پرائم منسٹر رہے کیوں کہ اتنا کمزور اور تھکا ہوا پرائم منسٹر تو آرمی کو کبھی بھی نہیں مل سکتا



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Nawaz Sharif should address the Nation and then Resign IF Military is intervening in Political issues and Making the Demands to have a say in Political system of Pakistan.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
hahaha..............Nawaz Shareef ..............................kehne ko to sher ..........................lekin circus ka ..........hahahaha


Senator (1k+ posts)
​ab samjhe pti ke third class ghundoo third umpire unglee neh khari karey ga ajj imran khan choice kaar le ke muzakrat manane hain ya phir jalse main lathi charge ho


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
to topple nawaz govt was not in script,it was just to weaken his govt so he cant do anything

امریکی اخباروال اسٹریٹ جرنلنے سرکاری حکام کےحوالے سے دعویٰ کیا کہ پاک فوج حکومت کے ساتھ ایک معاہدہ کرنے کے قریب ہے جسکے تحت وزیر اعظم سلامتی امور اور اسٹریٹجیک فارن پالیسی کا کنٹرول چھوڑ دیں گے۔فوج اب وزیر اعظم سے ضمانت مانگ رہی ہے کہ وہ ...ان معاہدوں کی پیروی کریں گے۔ فوج نے حکومت سے پرویز مشرف کی آزادی کا وعدہ لے لیا۔حکومتی معاون کا کہناہے احتجاجی رہنماؤں کے ذاتی سیاسی عزائم کی حوصلہ افزائی فوج نے کی جو نواز شریف کے اختیارات کم کرنا چاہتی ہے۔اسکرپٹ میں کبھی بھی حکومت کا تختہ الٹنا نہیں تھا بلکہ اسے اس حد تک کمزور کرنا کہ وہ لٹکی رہے اور کچھ کرنے کے قابل نہ رہے۔اخبار لکھتا ہے کہ حکومت مخالف مظاہر ے جنہوں نے پاکستانکے دارالحکومت کو مفلوج کر کے رکھ دیا۔فوج نواز شریف پر سلامتی امور اور خارجہ پالیسی کا کنٹرول چھوڑنے کےلئے دباؤڈال رہی ہے ۔انتظامیہ اور مظاہرین کے درمیان تقریباً دو ہفتے سے جاری تصادم نے وزیر اعظم نواز شریف کو انڈر پریشرکر دیا،حکومت کا خیال ہے کہ ان مظاہروں کو فوج کی طرف سے حمایت حاصل ہے۔حکومتی معاونین کا کہنا ہے کہ فوج نے سیاسی بحران کے دوران نواز شریف کی کمزور حیثیت پر قبضہ کر لیا کہ وہ ایک معاہدہ کریں جس کے تحت وہ اسٹریٹجک پالیسی کو چھوڑ دیں گے جس میں امریکا ،افغانستان، اور بھارت کے ساتھ تعلقات بھی شامل ہیں جنہیں مسلح افواج کیطرف سے کنٹرول کیا جائے گا۔

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: ۔اسکرپٹ میں کبھی بھی حکومت کا تختہ الٹنا ن

this seems true.and imran /qadri only came out to facilitate this above plan by pressurising the govt....but alas the qadri/imran worshippers wont recognise this truth.i am sure when dajjal come they will follow him blindly also...nawaz may be bad we agree but the present crisis is created to bring things that are much worse than nawaz rule for pakistan..some anti islam minorities are also funding this chaos ,by billions of ruppees...our generals/establishment are not loyal to islam and pakistan...the nation will "smell the (rotten) coffee" soon!it will be too late than ..
adeus our nation.adeus...this is azaab for fighting against mujahideen of islam and going against sharia e islam.spiritual people know seems a very big change is coming in some time.which will be very painful initially
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: to topple nawaz govt was not in script,it was just to weaken his govt so he cant do anything

Aaj to sharam kar lete.
