My discussion with PMLN supporter taxi driver.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This morning i woke up really late and had to take a taxi to get to my work. So called the taxi and 5 mins later driver shows up and i sit in the car and after formal greetings and telling him my destination,I realize that driver is desi so I ask him where he is from.He told Pakistan and he asked me and I told him Pakistan .Since being in a foreign country it is generally a good and pleasant jesture if you meet some one of the same background/language etc etc. So we started talking the usual stuff , how is the job , how long we been here etc etc .Suddenly our talk turns to situation in Pakistan. I asked him how he feels and he started abusing PTI and allthough admitting that there was rigging in the election but wants PTI to roll back their protest and let NS rule without any problem and he was also admiring the way PMLN had handled the financial situation in the country .I made some arguments but he simply did not want to listen.Then I tried to bring up the issue of justice in the country and told him availability of justice is a major concern to me and PMLN has not delivered on that. But he kept insisting that country is lucky to have PMLN leadership at the helm.
Then he asked me how I feel and who I support? I told him PTI. He said that IK is good man but all the people in his cabinet are corrupt etc etc and this protest should be called off. At this moment , my destination was getting closer so to conclude I said that if IK can bargain free & fair election for next time with biomatrix system then this alone would be a success for IK and PTI. He responds 1st with yes , Biomatrix will be good then very next moment he says, " wo system konsa lagay ga , jab kabhi bhi use ho ga , agr lagana hai tu baad mein dekha jaiga "
I said goodbye ,paid the fare and went to be job but could not stop thinking.
Being a PMLN supporter is not really a choice but a state of being that listens no reason.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I agree they are in a state of being that listens to NO reason, I have the same problem with my Aunty family, she is a very good person dont get me wrong but she herself sees no wrong with Nawaz Sharif, it just does not make sense.
Lolz I give u a clue always ask simple question to jahil patwaries tell u 10 qualities of corrupt nawaz and support it with example he will pass this question and will rebound with same question about imran and if you r insafian you can answer it easily end I story .


Voter (50+ posts)
My simple question to PML n Supporters. How would they feel if they are under debt with Loan Sharks who apply all sorts of conditions such as 'not allowed to eat meat 4 days a week. Can only take a bath once in a month and can only use gas once in 12 hours. Imagine yourself under those conditions, oh wait you are already living that even worse, all thanks to your Leader.


MPA (400+ posts)
ik is popular in young and unpopular in matured people for the same reason.

he is popular in youngs because he despite being over 60 he talks walks and behaves like a young person and this is the exact reason that some people do not like that whyhe does not behave like an old man .

Think Deep

I ask some of my relatives from villages they are die hard PMLN fans... I asked em during election days... tusi kinnu vote dena... they said sher nu... i asked sher nu kyn? they said bas g sher sher a... then again i asked ni fer v daso tay si tusi sher nu kyn vote dena?? they said saaday waddayan nay sher nu vote ditta c tay assi v sher nu dena



Minister (2k+ posts)
Jo baat taxi driver ke samjh main a gie hay woh app perhay likhay logo ke samjh main koin nahein ati


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Lucky u r if that can driver didn't argue Toronto person airport and trams canada high way is also built by corrupt shobaz

And what PTI govt. has built in KPK so far ... 0+0 = 0 ... you guys are like IK (idiot khan) who does not believe in logic and reason based justification ... Yesterday he was saying that India have made progress because of an independent Election Commission ... but did not highlighted the fact that more than 30% members of parliament (elected last year) has criminal cases against them --- this is intellectual dishonesty ... and IK has done it millions of times to justify his unconstitutional demand ...

"Being a PMLN supporter is not really a choice but a state of being that listens no reason."

I swear that is exactly what we think about PTI supporters, as a matter of fact in our groups we have concluded that its a per-requisite to let go one's brain and IQ the very moment they say they join PTI


Minister (2k+ posts)


MPA (400+ posts)


MPA (400+ posts)
Following plmn blindly is a sickness. Iv had discussions with a few taxi drivers and other Pakistanis who support plmn. They seem to not discuss the issue at hand, rigging, violation of the law. But only say it has to be plmn rule otherwise the country will self destruct.
If not that then personal attacks on IK or TUQ, it quite simple.

There brain development is quite behind or they are simply illiterate (I pitty them) but I guess we have to do the thinking for them.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Next time, ask this question: If Sharif is perfectly running the country in the best possible manner, why PMLN supporters are still living in foreign countries?
