Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
muslims beware of misuse of mosque donation funds
building more and more mosques (masajids) and collection of donations , pledges and even removing jewelery of our women by exploitng islam and the name of allah has become a good business in the west. These self nominated/ self appointed so called masjid committees/ islamic societies with vested interest engage professional mullahs/aalims/ pop singer turned naat khwans on good "commission / payment basis" on fund raising events particularly on 27th ramzan khatm quran taraveh prayers with long dua and also prior to eid namaz to empty the pockets of the innocent muslims lacking quranic knowledge through pressure tactics and playing with the religious sentiments of the namaziz. They falsely promise jannah to donors and indulge in auction of allah's house, its musalah, carpets, bricks etc through bidding from the highest to the lowest bids and even removing jewelery of our women as if allah is poor ( nouzo billah). For money making they delay namaz deliberately which is a sin. Their appetite for money making is never fulfilled. Quran prohibits making livelihood on islam and money making by exploiting islam (2 : 41, 159, 174-175 / 6 : 90 / 16 : 95 ). But they don't care.
praying behind such commercial and money-making mullahs/ imams be avoided as exploiting islam is "haram". Due to their internal politics and wranglings and misuse/ fraud of public donated funds, some two dozen masjid cases of toronto/gta are pending in the courts including the famous nugget masjid, toronto. There was a big headline report of misuse of funds amounting to $ 600,000 in isna masjid, mississauga in 'toronto star' dated 20-1-2011 but no action was taken for recovery of amount and registeration of fraud case against the big culprit as all the mosque commiteee members are involved.
please note that only such masajids are acceptable to allah which are 'taqwa' based ( 9 : 108-110 ) free from all irregularities, fraud, misuse of funds, collection of donation by exploiting islam and religious sentiments of the muslims, committee disputes, monetary business and commercialism, practice of falsehood, shirk, bidah, un islamic customs and practices, deviations, group and party interests,etc. However if the masjid committee makes a simple appeal for donations to run the masjid, it would be welcome. We need simple and economically constructed masjids/halls not show pieces as allah has made "namaz( prayers ) farz" not construction of such posh with high end construction and highly decorated masajids at the cost of the donors with falsification of accounts and misuse of funds. Not even a mufti is made available in these masajids for fatwa, advise and mediation services. The muslims settled in the west need more affordable islamic schools, nursing homes, senior and disabled homes, child care & day care centres, welfare centres, good funeral homes, muslim cemetry etc.
all muslims, men and women are earnestly requested to refrain from coming under the evil influence of such commercial mullahs/aalims and openly ask for detailed audit of every expenditure with vouchers of high salaries, allowances, previleges, tours, personal expenses of committee members and even relatives charged illegally to the masjid accounts as done in isna masjid, payment made to commercial aalims/mullahs/naat khawns and those engaged from india and pakistan, ta/da and hotel expenses, construction, improvement, renovation, additions and alterations and decoration expenses of masajids with their vouchers, etc. Some have even purchased houses from our funds.
any constructive suggestions made by the namaziz/donors are never entertained.
please also force the managements to conduct fair and free elections of the masjid committee from the donors/ namaziz every three years. The masajids be also asked to project quranic directives along with relevent authentic hadiths instead of confusing the namazis with long speeches on weak hadiths, sayings, traditions etc. Instead of helping the corrupt and non elected masjid committees who always beg for money, please help the poor and needy particularly relatives and various muslim welfare organisations doing good work for humanity. Allah will reward you.
thanks. Moulvi syed ehtesham ali shah of deoband.
building more and more mosques (masajids) and collection of donations , pledges and even removing jewelery of our women by exploitng islam and the name of allah has become a good business in the west. These self nominated/ self appointed so called masjid committees/ islamic societies with vested interest engage professional mullahs/aalims/ pop singer turned naat khwans on good "commission / payment basis" on fund raising events particularly on 27th ramzan khatm quran taraveh prayers with long dua and also prior to eid namaz to empty the pockets of the innocent muslims lacking quranic knowledge through pressure tactics and playing with the religious sentiments of the namaziz. They falsely promise jannah to donors and indulge in auction of allah's house, its musalah, carpets, bricks etc through bidding from the highest to the lowest bids and even removing jewelery of our women as if allah is poor ( nouzo billah). For money making they delay namaz deliberately which is a sin. Their appetite for money making is never fulfilled. Quran prohibits making livelihood on islam and money making by exploiting islam (2 : 41, 159, 174-175 / 6 : 90 / 16 : 95 ). But they don't care.
praying behind such commercial and money-making mullahs/ imams be avoided as exploiting islam is "haram". Due to their internal politics and wranglings and misuse/ fraud of public donated funds, some two dozen masjid cases of toronto/gta are pending in the courts including the famous nugget masjid, toronto. There was a big headline report of misuse of funds amounting to $ 600,000 in isna masjid, mississauga in 'toronto star' dated 20-1-2011 but no action was taken for recovery of amount and registeration of fraud case against the big culprit as all the mosque commiteee members are involved.
please note that only such masajids are acceptable to allah which are 'taqwa' based ( 9 : 108-110 ) free from all irregularities, fraud, misuse of funds, collection of donation by exploiting islam and religious sentiments of the muslims, committee disputes, monetary business and commercialism, practice of falsehood, shirk, bidah, un islamic customs and practices, deviations, group and party interests,etc. However if the masjid committee makes a simple appeal for donations to run the masjid, it would be welcome. We need simple and economically constructed masjids/halls not show pieces as allah has made "namaz( prayers ) farz" not construction of such posh with high end construction and highly decorated masajids at the cost of the donors with falsification of accounts and misuse of funds. Not even a mufti is made available in these masajids for fatwa, advise and mediation services. The muslims settled in the west need more affordable islamic schools, nursing homes, senior and disabled homes, child care & day care centres, welfare centres, good funeral homes, muslim cemetry etc.
all muslims, men and women are earnestly requested to refrain from coming under the evil influence of such commercial mullahs/aalims and openly ask for detailed audit of every expenditure with vouchers of high salaries, allowances, previleges, tours, personal expenses of committee members and even relatives charged illegally to the masjid accounts as done in isna masjid, payment made to commercial aalims/mullahs/naat khawns and those engaged from india and pakistan, ta/da and hotel expenses, construction, improvement, renovation, additions and alterations and decoration expenses of masajids with their vouchers, etc. Some have even purchased houses from our funds.
any constructive suggestions made by the namaziz/donors are never entertained.
please also force the managements to conduct fair and free elections of the masjid committee from the donors/ namaziz every three years. The masajids be also asked to project quranic directives along with relevent authentic hadiths instead of confusing the namazis with long speeches on weak hadiths, sayings, traditions etc. Instead of helping the corrupt and non elected masjid committees who always beg for money, please help the poor and needy particularly relatives and various muslim welfare organisations doing good work for humanity. Allah will reward you.
thanks. Moulvi syed ehtesham ali shah of deoband.