Musharraf defends Imran Khan, says Khan is not pro-Taliban.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Third political option can steer country out of crisis: Musharraf


ISLAMABAD - All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) Quaid Pervez Musharraf has said that prevailing challenges of the country can be addressed with the emergence of third political option.
Addressing APML workers in New York on Wednesday, Pervez Musharraf said that the masses in the country should sideline themselves from the hierarchical politics of PPP and PML-N and added that the third political option amid the monopoly of PPP and PML-N had become must to steer the nation from the ongoing challenges.
He further said the leadership of PPP and PML-N had rendered uncountable damage to Pakistan and in the absence of third political option the ruling political forces would ruin the country.
He added that he had transferred a prosperous Pakistan to the ruling government but the ruling government of PPP, due to its incapability and corruption, had taken the country to the verge of bankruptcy within three years.
APML chief also said that the people who blamed Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan as pro-Taliban were making baseless propaganda against Khan as neither Imran nor his supporters possessed soft corner for militants.
He also congratulated APML workers on registration of APML with Election Commission of Pakistan adding that the APML would work to seek justice and rights for the people of Pakistan and steer the country from the clunches of corrupt and incapable leadership.



MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Musharraf defends Imran Khan - says Khan is not pro-Taliban

Third political option can steer country out of crisis: Musharraf


ISLAMABAD - All Pakistan Muslim League (APML) Quaid Pervez Musharraf has said that prevailing challenges of the country can be addressed with the emergence of third political option.
Addressing APML workers in New York on Wednesday, Pervez Musharraf said that the masses in the country should sideline themselves from the hierarchical politics of PPP and PML-N and added that the third political option amid the monopoly of PPP and PML-N had become must to steer the nation from the ongoing challenges.
He further said the leadership of PPP and PML-N had rendered uncountable damage to Pakistan and in the absence of third political option the ruling political forces would ruin the country.
He added that he had transferred a prosperous Pakistan to the ruling government but the ruling government of PPP, due to its incapability and corruption, had taken the country to the verge of bankruptcy within three years.
APML chief also said that the people who blamed Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan as pro-Taliban were making baseless propaganda against Khan as neither Imran nor his supporters possessed soft corner for militants.
He also congratulated APML workers on registration of APML with Election Commission of Pakistan adding that the APML would work to seek justice and rights for the people of Pakistan and steer the country from the clunches of corrupt and incapable leadership.

jhoot boltay huaay issay shrum bilkul nahe aati!!!!
who put the corrupt and incapable people in the first place????
him the tblay wala!!!!!


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Musharraf defends Imran Khan - says Khan is not pro-Taliban

Imran khan said When Musharraf buckled under the US pressure and sent the Pakistan Army into Waziristan, I opposed it in parliament and through the media. Speaking to the editors, Musharraf called me a terrorist without a beard as if terrorism is the sole domain of bearded folk. When the Pakistan Army was sent into Waziristan, there were no militant Taliban in Pakistan. As a result of the Army operation, the tribal social and political structure was destroyed throughout Fata and Malakand, and the vacuum has been filled by nine major militant Taliban groups.


Voter (50+ posts)
Re: Musharraf defends Imran Khan - says Khan is not pro-Taliban

Give credit where its due!

Personally speaking I think both Pervez Musharraf and Imran Khan are inspired as well as inspirational leaders. Its a long debate about were their terrorists before army operations or not. We all know that suicide attacks originating from Pakistan and taking place in Pakistan was before the army was sent out to root out militants. Their was terrorism, and their were terror groups inside Fata and Waziristan before Army was sent, and they were not locals, instead they were the Taliban and Al Qaeda terrorists who crossed the border after Nato Invasion, just to save themselves and operate when the pressure is low, and when they saw Pakistan co operating with Nato, then they started attacking Pakistan as well. Now Imran Khan, or any other Tom Dick and Harry would not know whether Taliban and Al Qaeda were there or not, the best people to know were the Intelligence Agencies and they certainly pinpointed the threats being posed to Pakistan, because before the first army operation, Pakistan had already faced suicide attacks! Now they were being carried out by the Taliban and Al Qaeda who crossed the border from Afghanistan to Pakistan when NATO attacked Afghanistan, and these terrorists were given sanctuary by our local people, who are as much responsible, because they hid those terrorists and let them create basis for themselves to carry out attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan. After all this happened, Pervez Musharraf had to take military action to establish the writ of the government.

As far as Imran Khan is concerned, ask him genuinely regarding if he had a choice who he would form an alliance with and he would say Pervez Musharraf. Both of them are genuine toward Pakistan cause, Musharraf and Imran both talk about weening Pakhtun away from Taliban and Musharraf was doing it thats why he was accused of double gaming. During Musharraf's tenure terrorism was way under control then it is now. Atleast accept the fasts guys.

Imran and Musharraf both have "proved" that they can achieve their goals, and they have proved to work for Pakistan and they have shown their work. You will never hear Imran talk about Musharraf negatively except terrorism, therefore he knows Musharraf did well for Pakistan economically and socially, and Imran knows Musharraf isn't a financially corrupt person, hence the trickle down affect will be positive. Imran and Musharraf might disagree with each other on terrorism, but believe me if time comes they will shake hands because they agree on almost everything else and both of them have shown their performances in everything they have tried. Musharraf ruled Pakistan better then anyone, except for a couple of blunders. Imran is a success story in itself after what he has done and im sure if given the government Imran can do wonders for Pakistan.

The biggest problem is people like you who would start mud slinging, literally talking like i swear small children who just bash bash bash and say bad stuff about each other when they do not have an analysis, a critical re questioning about the analysis, then a point of view based on the re-questioning of analysis with out any bias or prejudice, just because of your hate. I would say again, listen to what the person is saying, not who is saying. Some times a chaprasi can be right as well and other times Quaid-e-Azam can be wrong as well. The only person who was right all the time every time is the last messenger of Allah (pbuh). If Pakistan has to move forward these forces will have to join hands.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Musharraf defends Imran Khan - says Khan is not pro-Taliban

What so ever we will keep supporting and voting MQM. No political party is better than MQM. I can challange here anyone.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Musharraf defends Imran Khan - says Khan is not pro-Taliban

i m die hard worker of p t i .. i consider the bigest enemy of pakistan was . parvaiz musharaf .. nawaz shareef and zardari party can only destroy pakistan by curruption but nation never fell down because of curruption .. its when their moral values fell down it destroyes nation and thas what he did .. and there is some stupid above saying mushaf has got acheivements .. ? what acheivements ... every one abuse beloved army because of him .. he destroyed economy of nwfp .. he invoke freedom movement in balochistan .. he bring all criminals in to power and also gave them licences for banned weapons wajahat force and mqm in 12 may ..islam was a pride of muslim but now any one with beard is considerd to be a criminal terorist .his crimes were such big that i dont think so any one els can harm the country so much .. i condem this dummy stupid batmans point of view go to ur chudary shujat


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Musharraf defends Imran Khan - says Khan is not pro-Taliban

Give credit where its due!

Personally speaking I think both Pervez Musharraf and Imran Khan are inspired as well as inspirational leaders. Its a long debate about were their terrorists before army operations or not. We all know that suicide attacks originating from Pakistan and taking place in Pakistan was before the army was sent out to root out militants. Their was terrorism, and their were terror groups inside Fata and Waziristan before Army was sent, and they were not locals, instead they were the Taliban and Al Qaeda terrorists who crossed the border after Nato Invasion, just to save themselves and operate when the pressure is low, and when they saw Pakistan co operating with Nato, then they started attacking Pakistan as well. Now Imran Khan, or any other Tom Dick and Harry would not know whether Taliban and Al Qaeda were there or not, the best people to know were the Intelligence Agencies and they certainly pinpointed the threats being posed to Pakistan, because before the first army operation, Pakistan had already faced suicide attacks! Now they were being carried out by the Taliban and Al Qaeda who crossed the border from Afghanistan to Pakistan when NATO attacked Afghanistan, and these terrorists were given sanctuary by our local people, who are as much responsible, because they hid those terrorists and let them create basis for themselves to carry out attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan. After all this happened, Pervez Musharraf had to take military action to establish the writ of the government.

As far as Imran Khan is concerned, ask him genuinely regarding if he had a choice who he would form an alliance with and he would say Pervez Musharraf. Both of them are genuine toward Pakistan cause, Musharraf and Imran both talk about weening Pakhtun away from Taliban and Musharraf was doing it thats why he was accused of double gaming. During Musharraf's tenure terrorism was way under control then it is now. Atleast accept the fasts guys.

Imran and Musharraf both have "proved" that they can achieve their goals, and they have proved to work for Pakistan and they have shown their work. You will never hear Imran talk about Musharraf negatively except terrorism, therefore he knows Musharraf did well for Pakistan economically and socially, and Imran knows Musharraf isn't a financially corrupt person, hence the trickle down affect will be positive. Imran and Musharraf might disagree with each other on terrorism, but believe me if time comes they will shake hands because they agree on almost everything else and both of them have shown their performances in everything they have tried. Musharraf ruled Pakistan better then anyone, except for a couple of blunders. Imran is a success story in itself after what he has done and im sure if given the government Imran can do wonders for Pakistan.

The biggest problem is people like you who would start mud slinging, literally talking like i swear small children who just bash bash bash and say bad stuff about each other when they do not have an analysis, a critical re questioning about the analysis, then a point of view based on the re-questioning of analysis with out any bias or prejudice, just because of your hate. I would say again, listen to what the person is saying, not who is saying. Some times a chaprasi can be right as well and other times Quaid-e-Azam can be wrong as well. The only person who was right all the time every time is the last messenger of Allah (pbuh). If Pakistan has to move forward these forces will have to join hands.

Thank you for your opinion. :)

My opinion is IK's appeal is that of CHANGE. And Musharraf hardly represents change. He did a few good things during his time. But he failed in his main mission: the eradication of corruption at least at the top level. He didn't make the NAB strong and independent. And ended up giving amnesty to the same people he accused of corruption before just to save his rule. Therefore, if PTI doesn't represent change (by siding with Musharraf), it'll not be very successful at the ballot box because it can't compete with the traditional parties in the usual candidate based elections (which involve MONEY). It will be more of the same.


Voter (50+ posts)
Re: Musharraf defends Imran Khan - says Khan is not pro-Taliban

Thank you for your opinion. :)

My opinion is IK's appeal is that of CHANGE. And Musharraf hardly represents change. He did a few good things during his time. But he failed in his main mission: the eradication of corruption at least at the top level. He didn't make the NAB strong and independent. And ended up giving amnesty to the same people he accused of corruption before just to save his rule. Therefore, if PTI doesn't represent change (by siding with Musharraf), it'll not be very successful at the ballot box because it can't compete with the traditional parties in the usual candidate based elections (which involve MONEY). It will be more of the same.

Thank you for your point of view :)

I totally agree with you regarding the handling of NAB and with it the corrupt politician, and i will certainly not side with Musharraf as far as cleaning corruption during his time is concerned, but overall corruption in bureaucracy was brought down, and politicians very vigilantly checked. His biggest mistake was to create PML Q -- which resulted in status qua, and he could not nab those politicians, and also could not bring to justice the exiled leader, instead he made a deal with them which was horrific and he admits it openly and apologized, isn't this apology in itself anti status qua as no other leader has ever apologized like the way he did, i'm not saying forgive him for that but at least see the character of a man.

Secondly in my opinion he is anti status qua because he transferred real administrative and legislative powers to the people at grass root levels, which is real democracy and real empowerment. Isn't this anti status qua?

Then he empowered women considerably. Isn't this anti status qua?

He made available the right to information for people in the form of free media. Isn't this anti status qua?

Not a single concrete logical corruption charge has been brought against him yet. Isn't this character very very anti status qua?

The way he is right now, his mind frame regarding the criticism of the policies through objectivity. Isn't this anti status qua?

The economic boom that we saw during his time that empowered and increased the standard of living of a common man i.e the working class, the middle class, and the upper class. Isn't this anti status qua?

The people he has with him. Aren't they anti status qua?

Musharraf's blunder:

1. NRO
2. Sacking of judges (although its a long debate regarding free judiciary but sacking was totally wrong)
3. Letting Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif back
4. Not creating Kalabagh Dam, although he was in favor and pressed hard to start the project but couldn't so the blame is on him

The difference between Imran and him is that Imran is looking for an all out change with everyone being a new face, where as Musharraf is suggesting that it is important to take along with some sane and reasonable pro status qua people in order for stability to remain and later on ween them away and bring fresh faces, because to win and to create majority they will need some pro status qua people. That's the only difference i see between Imran and Musharraf. And creating an alliance before the elections will be highly damaging for both the parties therefore they can try and win on their own and then create an alliance. My view is that in politics some times you have to take along with you some people whom you would not not in an ideal situation but to create stability and to stay in power or to get into power you need some.

I really appreciate constructive arguments based on analysis and facts. Again thank you for your 2 cents.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Musharraf defends Imran Khan - says Khan is not pro-Taliban

Thank you for your point of view :)

I totally agree with you regarding the handling of NAB and with it the corrupt politician, and i will certainly not side with Musharraf as far as cleaning corruption during his time is concerned, but overall corruption in bureaucracy was brought down, and politicians very vigilantly checked. His biggest mistake was to create PML Q -- which resulted in status qua, and he could not nab those politicians, and also could not bring to justice the exiled leader, instead he made a deal with them which was horrific and he admits it openly and apologized, isn't this apology in itself anti status qua as no other leader has ever apologized like the way he did, i'm not saying forgive him for that but at least see the character of a man.

Secondly in my opinion he is anti status qua because he transferred real administrative and legislative powers to the people at grass root levels, which is real democracy and real empowerment. Isn't this anti status qua?

Then he empowered women considerably. Isn't this anti status qua?

He made available the right to information for people in the form of free media. Isn't this anti status qua?

Not a single concrete logical corruption charge has been brought against him yet. Isn't this character very very anti status qua?

The way he is right now, his mind frame regarding the criticism of the policies through objectivity. Isn't this anti status qua?

The economic boom that we saw during his time that empowered and increased the standard of living of a common man i.e the working class, the middle class, and the upper class. Isn't this anti status qua?

The people he has with him. Aren't they anti status qua?

Musharraf's blunder:

1. NRO
2. Sacking of judges (although its a long debate regarding free judiciary but sacking was totally wrong)
3. Letting Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif back
4. Not creating Kalabagh Dam, although he was in favor and pressed hard to start the project but couldn't so the blame is on him

The difference between Imran and him is that Imran is looking for an all out change with everyone being a new face, where as Musharraf is suggesting that it is important to take along with some sane and reasonable pro status qua people in order for stability to remain and later on ween them away and bring fresh faces, because to win and to create majority they will need some pro status qua people. That's the only difference i see between Imran and Musharraf. And creating an alliance before the elections will be highly damaging for both the parties therefore they can try and win on their own and then create an alliance. My view is that in politics some times you have to take along with you some people whom you would not not in an ideal situation but to create stability and to stay in power or to get into power you need some.

I really appreciate constructive arguments based on analysis and facts. Again thank you for your 2 cents.

I understand your point of view. And compromise is good, but only if it helps you in your goal. In that sense, apart from the War on terror issue (which is major part I'm afraid), I don't think Musharraf will be a hindrance in any other plans in PTI's 100-day plan. I don't see why he will obstruct the plan for eradicating corruption. But if there are members of his party in the assembly, who don't want accountability, e.g. Dr. Sher Afghan Niazi (is he still with him?), then there's a problem. But the biggest problem will be the alienation that the religious right (because of the war on terror) has towards Musharraf. Especially with regards to the Lal Masjid issue. Many people are still quite angry at that and rightly so (IMO). The same with the anger in Baluchistan due to the Akbar Bugti issue.

But obviously, everyone has a right to support and vote who they want. I'm supporting IK because I trust him and I see consistency in his vision all these 15 years in politics. I had been supporting Musharraf (as most of Pakistan was) when he took over and even after he refused to take off his uniform in 2004. I'm afraid I don't find him credible any more. There's just such a lot he did that I can't ignore and trust him again to do the right thing. But that's just me. :)


Re: Musharraf defends Imran Khan - says Khan is not pro-Taliban

Imran khan said When Musharraf buckled under the US pressure and sent the Pakistan Army into Waziristan, I opposed it in parliament and through the media. Speaking to the editors, Musharraf called me a “terrorist without a beard” – as if terrorism is the sole domain of bearded folk. When the Pakistan Army was sent into Waziristan, there were no militant Taliban in Pakistan. As a result of the Army operation, the tribal social and political structure was destroyed throughout Fata and Malakand, and the vacuum has been filled by nine major militant Taliban groups.

Dear the history of insurgencies pointed this thing out that whenever an operation was launched against ordinary people . . . . it only lead to more violence . . . . Was there any tribal structure in vietnam but still war was faught there . . . . Situation in tribal Areas has nothing to do with Political structure or the vacume . . . . It has to do with oppression . . . .


Re: Musharraf defends Imran Khan - says Khan is not pro-Taliban

I understand your point of view. And compromise is good, but only if it helps you in your goal. In that sense, apart from the War on terror issue (which is major part I'm afraid), I don't think Musharraf will be a hindrance in any other plans in PTI's 100-day plan. I don't see why he will obstruct the plan for eradicating corruption. But if there are members of his party in the assembly, who don't want accountability, e.g. Dr. Sher Afghan Niazi (is he still with him?), then there's a problem. But the biggest problem will be the alienation that the religious right (because of the war on terror) has towards Musharraf. Especially with regards to the Lal Masjid issue. Many people are still quite angry at that and rightly so (IMO). The same with the anger in Baluchistan due to the Akbar Bugti issue.

But obviously, everyone has a right to support and vote who they want. I'm supporting IK because I trust him and I see consistency in his vision all these 15 years in politics. I had been supporting Musharraf (as most of Pakistan was) when he took over and even after he refused to take off his uniform in 2004. I'm afraid I don't find him credible any more. There's just such a lot he did that I can't ignore and trust him again to do the right thing. But that's just me. :)


Musharraf has no chance to ever come in power again . . . . But if . . . . Allah Forbids . . . . People choose him to come into power than it will be the end of United Pakistan . . . . The People of Baluchistan will see him in power as a declaration of war from rest of us . . . . Almost same will be the case with the tribals and the Religious right . . . . People of Pakistan if really cares about Pakistan . . . . Than must remember that Musharraf would be the last nail in the Pakistani Coffin . . . .


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Musharraf defends Imran Khan - says Khan is not pro-Taliban

MQM + PTI + APML . Next Alliance :lol:
I thought its already in existance otherwise there wouldnot have been exchange of gifts and removal of wallchalkings,no persuit of open cases against each other,friendly statements but posing to be against .It can be seen in this forum as wel , anything posted against MQM is merged with some irrelevant thread .Its kind of hushing things up. Lets see the friendship of three LONDONERS how it works.(clap)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Musharraf defends Imran Khan - says Khan is not pro-Taliban

Actually Pakistanis are thankless nation. They are so lucky, persons like Imran Khan are born midst them. Any other nation would have taken advantages of Imran Khan's qualities of patriotism and passion . If they let him down the drain, they would be real un-lucky.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Musharraf defends Imran Khan - says Khan is not pro-Taliban

I thought its already in existance otherwise there wouldnot have been exchange of gifts and removal of wallchalkings,no persuit of open cases against each other,friendly statements but posing to be against .It can be seen in this forum as wel , anything posted against MQM is merged with some irrelevant thread .Its kind of hushing things up. Lets see the friendship of three LONDONERS how it works.(clap)

Are you sure this alliance is not in your imagination?


Minister (2k+ posts)
