MQM founder refuses to answer London police questions

Siasi Jasoos

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

LONDON: Altaf Hussain, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) founder, has refused to answer the questions inquired by the officials of Scotland Yard’s counter-terrorism Command Unit.

As per details, the interrogation of the MQM founder started at 10 pm on Tuesday night and continued for two hours at the Southwark Police Station.

ARY News reported that the MQM leader only confirmed his name, date of birth and his residential address in front of the London police. Afterwards, on the advice of his lawyer, Hussain declined to respond to the questions and chose to go for “no comment” option to all questions asked by the police officials.

The sources informed ARY News that the interrogation was stopped at midnight after Hussain complained of chest pain.

It is expected that Hussain may be charged for the offense later today, sources added.

The founder of MQM was arrested on Tuesday when Scotland Yard raided his London residence. Hussain was taken into custody over a 2016 “anti-Pakistan” speech.

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Arrested for 2016 hateful speech in 2019 by the esteemed Scotland Yard??
This is not adding up in my head. Given the treachery of the British starting from making Kashmir disputed to begin with all the way to date in the form of giving sanctuary to terrorist from the 3rd world.
I will not hold my breath for British do not deserve my trust yet.

Moula Jutt

Minister (2k+ posts)
دراصل لندن پولیس نے تفتیش اس لئے روکی دی ھے کیونکہ۔
گنڈے نے سوالات کے جواب میں نو کمنٹس کہہ کر ۔
میرے ھاتھوں میں نو نو چوڑیاں ھیں ۔گا گا کر ناچنا شروع کر دیا تھا۔


MPA (400+ posts)
In a free & democratic country government institutions cannot force any citizen to answer anything which may be used against him/her in a court of law.

IN USA, it's called 5th amendment which gives every citizen right to keep quite.

This is why I say Pakistan is not a free country at all. Over here NAB is forcing everyone to give evidence against them which is totally against common law.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
East India company is stronger than British Govt and Queen. They have great money due to corruption in developing countries. The kaloo gainda will be sent home after getting lunches.


Minister (2k+ posts)
This is quick! Itna jaldi tou Malika k hospitals logo ko operation ka time nai daite hein!! ? ? ?

Don't forget we adopted our systems from Britain too! ???

Arrested for 2016 hateful speech in 2019 by the esteemed Scotland Yard??
This is not adding up in my head. Given the treachery of the British starting from making Kashmir disputed to begin with all the way to date in the form of giving sanctuary to terrorist from the 3rd world.
I will not hold my breath for British do not deserve my trust yet.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
this is fake news.
They did all the investigation. All the proofs are documented. All the speeches are available in 100 places. What would they ask him? Is this your voice?

No .. they just threw him in jail and he is waiting to be charged


Senator (1k+ posts)
Arrested for 2016 hateful speech in 2019 by the esteemed Scotland Yard??
This is not adding up in my head. Given the treachery of the British starting from making Kashmir disputed to begin with all the way to date in the form of giving sanctuary to terrorist from the 3rd world.
I will not hold my breath for British do not deserve my trust yet.
Actually, its all over for Altaf Hussain for them. He is useless. Cannot create havoc in Kchi anymore. That's why, they want to get rid of him and stop investing on him. That's the botton line. NS and Zardari is also useless. Now, PTM is their next target to invest and create unrest in Pak. And that's what they are doing.


MPA (400+ posts)
In a free & democratic country government institutions cannot force any citizen to answer anything which may be used against him/her in a court of law.

IN USA, it's called 5th amendment which gives every citizen right to keep quite.

This is why I say Pakistan is not a free country at all. Over here NAB is forcing everyone to give evidence against them which is totally against common law.
Thats something these so called lawmakers needed to fix when they held power in the last 30 years. Now they have to face the same system they thrived in and used against common people.

Doctor sb

Senator (1k+ posts)
گورے کر رہے ہیں لاڈیاں- تفتیش کرنی ہے تو پنجاب پولیس کے طیفے گجر یا ریاض رانے کو بلا کر ایک رات کے لیے اس سانڈکو حوالے کریں تو پھر دیکھیں کہ کیسے اس کی ٹیپ بجتی ہے- کلام نرم و نازک اور وہ بھی ایسے ناسور پر ، بے اثر ہی رہے گا


Minister (2k+ posts)
گورے کر رہے ہیں لاڈیاں- تفتیش کرنی ہے تو پنجاب پولیس کے طیفے گجر یا ریاض رانے کو بلا کر ایک رات کے لیے اس سانڈکو حوالے کریں تو پھر دیکھیں کہ کیسے اس کی ٹیپ بجتی ہے- کلام نرم و نازک اور وہ بھی ایسے ناسور پر ، بے اثر ہی رہے گا
اس نے کون سا برطانیہ میں بم دھماکے کروائے ہیں جو وہاں کی پولیس اس کو الٹا لٹکائے گی؟
جب مشرف دور میں فوج الطاف حسین کے دونوں گالوں پر چمیاں لے رہی تھی، تب عمران نیازی کے چیلے پیدا ہو گئے تھے یا ابھی تک گٹر میں ابل رہے تھے؟
