Mohammad Asif & Veena Malik Fight Live on TV


Senator (1k+ posts)
Asif and Veena were on ARY (over the phone) together to talk about their money issue. Asif seems to be denying that he ever needed the money. Asif says he's "already married" and someone wants to disturb his married life. The anchor asks Veena if she is happy about Asif's wedding, she starts to say that she is, but he interrupts saying that if she were happy she wouldn't be doing the things she was. He also says that she should get married too at which point both Veena and him start laughing. Asif seems to go offline after that. She says something about him not being in his senses "right now", because it was after 6pm and she avoids talking to him after 6PM.

Pakistani Lion

MPA (400+ posts)
This anchor hasn't got a clue how to conduct the programme, Jasmeen was million times better. They need to remove this idiot...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I don't understand Asif.

On one side he says he always got the Money and thus never took the money from Vina. But on other hand he is paying 32,00000 Rs to Vena Malik. How is it possible? It shows that Asif really needed the money and Vina helped him.

I am trusting Vina more than Asif at moment.
