Its nice to have strategic relations with USA but at the end what pakistan got was just the lollipop and thats it.War on terror have wrecked our economy,destroyed the ifrastructure in the country,fata and wazirastan are in a mess , law and order situation is out of control- the govt officials are happy to have a good reception and protocol nothing else,may be something in the front come later but so far US have treated us like a second class citizen, gave us just nickle and dime which made our govt very happy .I dont understand why pakistan did't talk frankly and demanded the loss pakistan incurred because of war on terror.pakistan asked $35 billion dollars and they end up giving just $325 million in total and washed their hands,some promises of help in energy,water and education whereas they are spending $100 billion in afghanistan annually.Does pakistan have any problem in negotiating or just shy of saying "NO". What happened to drone attacks and our sister dr.Afia Siddiqui, nothing .pakistan always underestimate its position thats why we are the big loosers ,this time too i would say. I hope these relations will not be on the expense of any other country specially our brother and the best friend "CHINA" otherwise nation will never forgive us .