read above column of ansar abbasi
above article in urdu is shocking one.as its very very rare that any pakistani writes for missing persons in pakistan who were kidnapped by pakistani govt and army agencies and are being tortured mercilessly in secret locations.so when i saw this i was really amazed.as truth is very very rare commodity in pakistan nowdays,more rare than american bald eagle i presume.
according to some reports the remaining alive laal mosque girls are also held in some secret underground prison in lahore or some other place of pakistan.being made to live a life worse than animals.
so called pak muslims raise their voice for release of dr aafia siddiqui 7 seas away in usa ,but they fail to raise any voice for release of these missing men and women in pakistani secret torture cells.khalid khawaja who raised his voice for these missing persons was mercilessly killed .all peoples consciousness in pakistan is sleeping .they do not realise that most of present azaabs we are facing are due to the prayers of these islamists who are being tortured in secret prisons,whose only crime w2as to fight for freedom of occupied afgiantsna against americans who are masters of pakistani civil and army leadership
this article is very eye opening..it shows how islamists are kidnapped by agencies and are kept without trial in secret torture cells.and more worrying is the fact that many females are also kept in these torture cells and are being abused most probably on daily bases.
so my question to pakistanis is that when they are raising their voices against imprisonment of dr aafia siddiqui than why they are not raising any voice for countless missing persons who are being tortured like animals in pakistani secret army prisons?
those muanfiqeen who say that we cant compalin against muslims whatever they do are sadly mistaken.anyone who fights against allah or his deen than we should fight against him.be he a kaafir or a guy born in a muslim family
its satan that misguides you people who think that only and only jihad is against kufar but not against munafiqeen muslims
for example i was amazed to see that dawa party in pakistan is doing large protests against an american who did blasphemy against islam on face book.but same party did not even protest weakly against a newspaper (named dawn newspaper ) in pakistan whose columnist nadeem farooq did an open blasphemy against islam recently .(about that i will write later in detail)
we have to realise one thing now...that till we not fight and do resistance against munafiqeen we can never fight and win against kufar...because the first defense shield of kufars are munafiqeen among muslims themselves
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