
TOI in india & jang grup of pakistan begin new initiative of ppl to ppl contact. i think in new year we should wellcome and support this brave effort with open mind. Here i bring u front page artical published in today,s times of india.i hope users of this forum hail this effort.

[/bTerror, hatred and fanaticism somehow sit more comfortably in our minds when we think of the other side of the border.

Words that we've been fed in daily doses over the last six decades. And in greater doses over the last one year.

Shutting our minds to the undeniable truth that people across the border are, above all, people. Like us.

So here's the question. Is there any chance at all, that we could still raise a hand, not in anger but in greeting?

Depends on who raises his hand first, some of us would say. Also how, whisper a few others. But mostly, it all boils down to one simple question.

Why? Why must we do it? Why do we need them? Why don't they first say sorry for what they've done? And the answer is simple.

It's easier to say Hi than to say Sorry. It's shorter too.

Besides, there is no rule that says a book has to be closed before a new one is opened. Not even if it's a history book.

So on the first day of this new year, we're going to make a start. Again.

With Aman Ki Asha. A brave, new people-to-people initiative by the Times of India and Pakistan's Jang Group to bring the people of two fine nations closer together. Cuturally, emotionally and peacefully.

Starting with a series of cross-border cultural interactions, business seminars, music & literary festivals and citizens meet that will give the bonds of humanity a chance to survive outside the battlefields of politics, terrorism and fundamentalism.

In the hope that one day, words like Pakistan, India and Love will not seem impossible in the same impossible in the same sentence.


Councller (250+ posts)
We have been here many times before and it takes one staged event by our or your agencies, God knows better, to bring all this to point zero. India then comes up with stern conditionalities to restart not from where we left but right from the begining.

The new initiative will bring a few NGO to tour India and few chosen Indians to come to Pakistan to buy water coolers and Satin but thats about it. We do not come closer with these events due to Indian mindset. That mindset could only be changed when we are strong, economically and politically. Pakistan should wait until that time.

Within this decade, starting today, USA is going to demand some payback from India against China, for current favors and that will be the time to take positions against or in favor of India.

Anyway, keep sending your uglies who get inferiorty complex looking at ordinary citizens in Pakistan in Karachi and Lahore


MPA (400+ posts)
Very good article, in fact this article is painting a thought and this kind of thought is not only important but importunate in current canvas to bring peace in this subcontinent.

Problem is this the people on both sides are not ready to wink at each other. Hindus wanna finish whole Muslim Nation from the earth and on other hand, Muslims wanna bring Islam in heart of each hindu. This kind of thought represents extremism itself. We have to find a way between. But we always deny and play dirty politics, dirty blame games and as a result a common muslim and hindu suffers like you and me. By killing and abusing each other we feel we are abiding our religions and feel proud as we are playing a very important role as a religious scholar.

My point is to put back this extremist thought. We have to realize the situation. We have to wave across the border, have to draw some lines within two countries and we should and must sign a peace agreement type paper containing different terms and conditions and then put ourselves abiding those rules.

Even you never ever come with open heart and mind to muslims. You always bring stinky stuff here and got tough time by PPBoy always. So i always say "put love and you'll find love"


Voter (50+ posts)
This is imposible .once..atal bihari shows love to pakistan they response with kargil.manmohan singh try to be genrous ,pak response with 26/11 .histroy aleart us anyone try to feed pak its bite his arm.a very dangerous country if u attempt to get nearer,every chance u will be burn.so..indiansher.stop this nonsense.we r very happy with no paki around.our misfourtune that pak is our neighbour .they don,t like live peacefully. indians have done so much for them but they always gave us pain and agony.vvery thankles :cry:

Pakistani Lion

MPA (400+ posts)
shan-e-hindustan said:
This is imposible .once..atal bihari shows love to pakistan they response with kargil.manmohan singh try to be genrous ,pak response with 26/11 .histroy aleart us anyone try to feed pak its bite his arm.a very dangerous country if u attempt to get nearer,every chance u will be burn.so..indiansher.stop this nonsense.we r very happy with no paki around.our misfourtune that pak is our neighbour .they don,t like live peacefully. indians have done so much for them but they always gave us pain and agony.vvery thankles :cry:

I feel sorry for you - you are not only an idiot but also a hypocrite, if you are so happy without any Paki (which by the way is a derogatory term!!!) then why don't you leave us alone and stop visiting this forum, it seems to me that you lot can't have enough of us!!! Or perhaps can't find a forum of your own to go to, it will be so nice if you people did the decent thing and left us alone. PLEASE!!!

Bret Hawk

Senator (1k+ posts)
I personally admire the thoughts presented in this article of Indian newspaper but unfortunately, I think that the friendship with India in current era is not possible at all, especially when an extremist high caste Hindu mindset is ruling and enforcing its internal and external policies since the last six decades. Here I have to blame the Pakistani establishment as well which has always acted negatively to form peaceful relations with Indians and tried to sabotage this process whenever the civilian regimes of both nations tried to move on the road of peace.

Therefore I personally think that Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnahs intelligent proposal of forming a pact with India reminiscent of Monroe Doctrine would be an easy answer to ease these current heightened tensions between India-Pak and a way forward for both nations to co-exist peacefully and amicably. Having said that Pakistani establishment also need to change its Conflict with India at all cost policy now and try to scale back their heinous ambitions to control the whole affairs of Pakistan and should restrict them to their barracks and military domain and let the civilian leadership (Bad or good) to take on the internal and external policies of Pakistan. Because no matter how corrupt the civilian political class is they use to get reformed or neutralise through the transparent mode of political system and in Pakistans case (Where representative democracy is the fad of the day) the democratic process can do this purification provided the institutions of Pakistan become independent and free from the state control and its grip.

Concerning the issues with Indian establishment I think unless and until they forsake their sick Chanakya policies, especially which relates to the external relations, of having a strained and tense relations with the immediate neighbours and having good ones with the neighbours of its (Indias) neighbours there would be no peace and stability in this Indian subcontinent not only with Pakistan but with its any neighbour. Having said that if the Indian establishment one day decide to relax that part of Chanakya Policy with Pakistan then immediately they have to resolve the core issue of Jammu & Kashmir according to the wills & desires of the local Kashmiris and then try to solve other border, trade & commerce and water related issues with Pakistan. Only then we can live peacefully with each other and try to develop and upgrade the social & economic reforms for our masses.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
shan-e-hindustan said:
This is imposible .once..atal bihari shows love to pakistan they response with kargil.manmohan singh try to be genrous ,pak response with 26/11 .histroy aleart us anyone try to feed pak its bite his arm.a very dangerous country if u attempt to get nearer,every chance u will be burn.so..indiansher.stop this nonsense.we r very happy with no paki around.our misfourtune that pak is our neighbour .they don,t like live peacefully. indians have done so much for them but they always gave us pain and agony.vvery thankles :cry:

right now we are misofrtune for you. soon InshaAllah, we will be a nightmare for you. Give us few years :)


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
indiansher said:
TOI in india & jang grup of pakistan begin new initiative of ppl to ppl contact. i think in new year we should wellcome and support this brave effort with open mind. Here i bring u front page artical published in today,s times of india.i hope users of this forum hail this effort.

[/bTerror, hatred and fanaticism somehow sit more comfortably in our minds when we think of the other side of the border.

Words that we've been fed in daily doses over the last six decades. And in greater doses over the last one year.

Shutting our minds to the undeniable truth that people across the border are, above all, people. Like us.

So here's the question. Is there any chance at all, that we could still raise a hand, not in anger but in greeting?

Depends on who raises his hand first, some of us would say. Also how, whisper a few others. But mostly, it all boils down to one simple question.

Why? Why must we do it? Why do we need them? Why don't they first say sorry for what they've done? And the answer is simple.

It's easier to say Hi than to say Sorry. It's shorter too.

Besides, there is no rule that says a book has to be closed before a new one is opened. Not even if it's a history book.

So on the first day of this new year, we're going to make a start. Again.

With Aman Ki Asha. A brave, new people-to-people initiative by the Times of India and Pakistan's Jang Group to bring the people of two fine nations closer together. Cuturally, emotionally and peacefully.

Starting with a series of cross-border cultural interactions, business seminars, music & literary festivals and citizens meet that will give the bonds of humanity a chance to survive outside the battlefields of politics, terrorism and fundamentalism.

In the hope that one day, words like Pakistan, India and Love will not seem impossible in the same impossible in the same sentence.

Thanks for the post. deep down you are a good man. keep up the good work

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Best predictor of the future is the track record.
Just view the last statement of the indian army chief talking war,in the last twilights of 2009 and on the morning of 2010 indian news papers want to open a new book with Pakistan to rewrite the same chapters all over again, without having condemned the war mongering by the indian chief. I think it is time to move on.Time for indians to realize that times have changed.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
sobia403 said:
Best predictor of the future is the track record.
Just view the last statement of the indian army chief talking war,in the last twilights of 2009 and on the morning of 2010 indian news papers want to open a new book with Pakistan to rewrite the same chapters all over again, without having condemned the war mongering by the indian chief. I think it is time to move on.Time for indians to realize that times have changed.

may be Indian media is trying to coverup general's stupidity?

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
You maybe right sir.It is in the better interest of india to sack a stupid general than to cover up by saying even more stupid things,and that is why I say times have changed.


No space for love between india and pak.it is allready filled with hate and anger.this kind of initiative allways prove balloney.so we should be realstic..how ??just ingnore each other, don't interfere internal matters,don't care what is happening other side of border.if we can not do this than go for allout war,settle the matter once for all :o

Pakistani Lion

MPA (400+ posts)
khanbhai said:
No space for love between india and pak.it is allready filled with hate and anger.this kind of initiative allways prove balloney.so we should be realstic..how ??just ingnore each other, don't interfere internal matters,don't care what is happening other side of border.if we can not do this than go for allout war,settle the matter once for all :o

But you Indians don't have enough courage to fight Pakistanis!!!


But you Indians don't have enough courage to fight Pakistanis!!![/quote]

r u pakistani lion or pakistani rat. ;) i don't know how u illitreate creature creping in this forum. :twisted: we need filter this forum.all dirt like u should be filterd and throw away in gutter.ur dirty mind never thought possitive just mud slanging is ur motive.


Siasat.pk - Blogger
khanbhai said:
r u pakistani lion or pakistani rat. ;) i don't know how u illitreate creature creping in this forum. :twisted: we need filter this forum.all dirt like u should be filterd and throw away in gutter.ur dirty mind never thought possitive just mud slanging is ur motive.

---Please refrain from using rats since they are revered in your country and if you really wish to be a sweeper boy then do us a favour and get to job right away in cleaning your own country from em :) i guess your own indian forums kicked you out for NOT doing the job right 8-) or may be got you mesmerized :P


khanbhai said:
No space for love between india and pak.it is allready filled with hate and anger.this kind of initiative allways prove balloney.so we should be realstic..how ??just ingnore each other, don't interfere internal matters,don't care what is happening other side of border.if we can not do this than go for allout war,settle the matter once for all :o
How can you decide, there is no space for love between India And Pakistan, do you have any authority to give this kind of statement, what maximum community are you representing, what do you know about the relations between India and Pakistan, Have you ever come across between the relation of Indians and Pakistanis overseas.
Once you will respond then will continue this arguments with you.


As expected new initiative to normalize realation between india and pakistan receving negative response.it will be intresting to know who is opposing this.from indian side it is 99.9% hindus furious with this effort..from pak side i guess most of the ppls who dosen't have any link or realtion in india,r in opposition. so what does its mean.main victim r about 25 crore indian muslim and their realtives who migrate to pakistan during partition.hidus and pak punjabis r not intrested in good realation between two nations.i feel hindus can be flexible for their muslims brother in india but dominant pak punjabi lobby is absolutly adament in their anti india policy which is actualy anti indian muslims policy.i can tell u bitter truth that when lot of ur pujabi cricter or stars visit india they don't care about indian muslims but flattred in front of elite hind class.


Siasat.pk - Blogger
indiansher said:
i feel hindus can be flexible for their muslims brother in india but dominant pak punjabi lobby is absolutly adament in their anti india policy which is actualy anti indian muslims policy.i can tell u bitter truth that when lot of ur pujabi cricter or stars visit india they don't care about indian muslims but flattred in front of elite hind class.

---Little truth in it since your main party ruling every now and then is fundamental hindu BJP whose worker (Lk Advani) has even been charged in inciting hatred towards muslims and which led to the destruction of historical babri mosque and even after that their fundamental stance towards Pakistan hasn't abated and indians mostly hindus favour this party,not long ago was the massacre of muslims in gujrat and narendra modi was fully responsible for it but he still remained a part of BJP it's pretty evident who is doing what and whose plans are devilish,cases of Samjhota express and maale gaaon further revealed the psyche possessed by most indians/hindus pointing finger towards Pakistan ( even if something hasn't even materialize yet ya'll have this bad habit of blaming Pakistan) which thankfully later was revealed to be your own indian/army guy setting ablaze 50-60 Pakistanis ( who happened to have their relatives in india) :evil: all of this speaks volumes who has got anti-indian muslims and anti-Pakistan policy.