Lahore police crackdown on loadshedding protesters, 20 held - *Zia ul Haq Ka Beta Baap Jaise Nikla N


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
LAHORE: Police on Suday arrested twenty persons vehemently protesting against prolonged unannounced loadshedding causing immense hardship and misery to the area people here, Geo News reported.

According to details, hundreds of angry people strongly protesting persistent loadshedding came out on the roads and streets at Bagrian in Green Town here. Police in a bid to disperse the crowds resorted to aerial firing and arrested 20 persons from among the demonstrators.

This unwarranted action of the police added fuel to the fire when the peaceful demonstrators losing temper replied to police highhandedness by hurling stones, voicing slogans and blocking the roads.

Meanwhile, police reinforcement has been called in and efforts are afoot to control the situation.,-20-held--

mehar ali

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)

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Minister (2k+ posts)
گھوٹکی (نوائے وقت رپورٹ) وزیراعظم نواز شریف حکومت کی الٹی گنتی شروع ہونے کے حوالے سے سوال پر غصہ میں آگئے۔ نجی ٹی وی کے مطابق سندھ کے متاثرہ علاقوں کے دورے کے دوران صحافی نے سوال کیا کہ کیا حکومت کی الٹی گنتی شروع ہونیوالی ہے؟ اس پر نواز شریف نے کہا کہ آپ نے غلط سوال کیا، ایسا سوال نہ کیا جائے، سازش کرنیوالی قوتیں نظر نہیں آرہیں۔


Senator (1k+ posts)
Its pti .s dream to come in power by the help of qadri or army thus they do propganda pti is failed in kpk now look at the launguage of pti will they be talking to their parents same?
