Kiya Yeh Book Imran Khan Ko Nuqsaan Puhnchanay K Liye Launch Ki Hai? - Reham Khan clarifies...


Minister (2k+ posts)
media has to be tamed...
the bank accounts of all the anchors and media tycoons shold be investigated thoroughly..
no coverage of Baluchistan incident and giving time to this low life woman plus the two convicted criminals... its really bad..


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
لندن سوہو کی بیس پونڈ والی گشٹور کی اوقات اور یہودی چینل کا کلپ دیکھے بغیر ہی کمنٹ کر رہا ہوں یہودی چنیل کو دیکھنا اور اس لعنتی گھٹیا گشٹور کو دیکھنے کا مقصد وقت برباد کرنا


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Like her, the book will be forgotten within a few days. The people that dont like IK will lap it up, and people that like him will not believe a word.


MPA (400+ posts)
Mental illness + Habitual Lieing = Reham Khan

Jis nay bhi imran khan pay buri niyat say attack kia hai, usko zillat milli. Check history yourself.
