These people have been responsible for Pakistanis misfortune for the last three decades in one form or another, they put the blame on every other thing except themselves. May be they have never really loved to look in the mirror for they see what they don't like, hence they have always believed in gimmicks to satisfy the need for a human being to have the feel good factor.
The gimmicks have taken Lahore to becoming Paris by winter and Venice by summer and the remaining seasons becoming BANTUSTAN where even a FRESH glass of water is not available though the country is drowning and stuck in the quagmire created by the gift from the heavens EVEN THEN THE BLAME IS ON THE SUPREME COMMANDER FOR GIFTING PAKISTAN A LAND OF 5 rivers with EXCESSIVE WATER FROM THE HEAVENS. WAKE UP PAKISTAN YOU ARE BEING SOLD SHORT AND EVEN THEN THEY SHORT CHANGE YOU