KhaleejMaz praising Shehbaz sharif efforts against Coronavirus


Minister (2k+ posts)
??? shhh... according to some genius anchors, he is figuring out a solution for corona in Pakistan and after helping china overcome coronavirus he's been invited by the establishment to come and help Pakistan fight it after which he will be on his way to the USA to help Trump.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
??? shhh... according to some genius anchors, he is figuring out a solution for corona in Pakistan and after helping china overcome coronavirus he's been invited by the establishment to come and help Pakistan fight it after which he will be on his way to the USA to help Trump.
But the rumour is that Khaqan Abbassi advised him not to go to USA to help Trump
as the security search at the airport is 'bloody, hard and long' and it will take two to three days before you can walk straight again..... ?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
But the rumour is that Khaqan Abbassi advised him not to go to USA to help Trump
as the security search at the airport is 'bloody, hard and long' and it will take two to three days before you can walk straight again..... ?
Apparently, its a cavity search. This budha wouldn't like it but the Billo would pay for it.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
یہ تو آئینہ بھی نہہی دیکھتا ھو گا کہیں کرونا کا حملہ نہ ھو جاۓ
