As a human being I am saddened by all what is happening. As a muslim when I look at what has happened from the islamic perspective, I find that it is not a natural disaster,but what was brought upon themselves by incurring the wrath of Allah.
The quran and scriptures are replete with mention of people destroyed by floods throughout the course of history, the worst being during the time of the prophet Noah. When you have people like Zardari, and Gilani and Qureshi at the top,this does not come as a surprise. Sarkozy had imposed a ban on niqab and burqah, but zardari, calling himself the president of an ISLAMIC REPUBLIC, visited France. Despite Cameron's derogatory remarks on pakistan exporting terrorism he went to Britain .Drone attacks continue and innocent civilians are being killed on a daily basis. Karachi is a blood house. Zardari like his predecessor Musharraf is co-operating with america and europeans to kill muslims.
If a proper assessment is made of numbers killed in the floods, it would be "peanuts" as compared to those killed by zardari and his "coalition partners".
My advice to pakistanis is to return to Islam,for which pakistan was created, when many muslims sacrificed their lives, make genuine repentance and seek allah's forgiveness . By returing to Islam, I don't necessarily means a beard on chin and topi on head but implementing the teachings of Islam in 24/7 life. And most importantly we got to fix our style of dealing with people. If not this is not the last flood or disaster. This is just the "red alert". 2005 earth quick was a quick nudge in the tummy. 2010 flood is a slight push on the back. If we don't stright up our me a big slap is it on it's way.