Kal Tak - 17th March 2011 - Hameed Gul - Special Program (Must See)


MPA (400+ posts)
try to look at the bigger picture. this was for the good of both pakistan and united states. plus dont forget how much sacrifice our army has given to keep us and our family safe from all sorts of threats. do you think they will make a wrong decision??? army is the one institution that ill trust even if everything else in pakistan fails!
Army and ISI has disappointed me, I am really sad now, it seems there is really no one who cares about Pakistan.


MPA (400+ posts)
hahahahaha Judiciary and police of pakistan,the guy who kept the shooters 15 days and made possible the murder has been bailed out from the additionel session judge of Gujranwala,what a judiciary and Police of that country, i feel sorry in front of my Son and ashamed being pakistani citizen
sorry my Son that i send you in that hell (pakistan) i ll never go back there niether your sister,s and brothers, we are better being Euroupean rather then those pakistani muslims...

please have a look to understand the whole story

Your Father
Zulfiqar Rana


corruption is not limited to few organisations or the politians only. from milkman to bureacrate, down to up, anyone who finds an opportunity, plays devilish. we blame others for corruption but when get the opportunity, we do the same in our little capacities.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Kal Tak - 17th March 2011 - Shereen mazari, Hameed Gul and others - Special Programme

What is this whole fuss about? they are not accepting court decision, why? Families took money and forgave Raymond Davis, so now shut up.
People like Hamid gul had foul use all for too long, even 200 people is more than expected for him.

I fully agree with you Mimran301, pakistanis are making fuss for nothing , they all want to go to USA and have fun , date and drink , lets enjoy , miran u r very right