Just need of Honesty to become a prosperous society.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Honesty mean all time think, ALLAH is watching us. As a Islamic society we get lesson from Islamic preaching about honesty. Honesty is back bone of moral society, like trade is back bone of economy. We can win any target in any field by performing or implementing honesty. Over success is hidden in honesty at all level and in all field of life. Honesty is key of success. For example
1- If a teacher, professor or lecturer teaching, guiding student by his full honesty, impossible those student will be fail to achieve their goal, those student will be fail to get full knowledge. Same time student must be honest in getting knowledge and achieving their goal and parents also have a important roll in grow up their childrens with honesty, because morality basically we get from morality lesson from our parents, So all three parties should be honest( parents, student and teachers).
2- Now we talk about honesty of industrialist, factory owners and business owners, if they show honesty in their fields, they can achieve their goal. A manufacturer will manufacture quality product, and sell it honestly on reason able profit, also pay wages to his employees honestly which they deserve, factory owners earn their profit honestly and gives rights to their workers which they deserve. businessman and shopkeepers observe honesty in their fields not possible they will not be successful in business or shop keeping.
3- A person as a factory worker, office worker at all level, uniform person at all level( police, defense forces, etc) when they will perform their job honestly, will be successful and satisfied,
4- Honest leaders are back bone of a nation, if leaders will make policies by their full honesty for their nation, that nation never can be defeated in any type of field( peace field, education field, medication field, defense field, economics field and etc). Unfortunately as a Pakistani nation we are much lacking in honest leadership and honest voters.
When we will be honest as a leader,
When we will be honest as father or mother,
When we will be honest as industrialist, factory owners, businessmen, worker,
When we will be honest as a teacher, doctor, engineer, scientist,
When we will be honest as a student, citizen.
Then we will be successful to become a honest society, high moral society and prosperous county. Then we will choose right leaders, which will perform right job.
Just prevail honesty at all level, try to educate people of Pakistan about honesty and its advantages.

Rana Tahir Mahmood

Senator (1k+ posts)
Honesty mean all time think, ALLAH is watching us. As a Islamic society we get lesson from Islamic preaching about honesty. Honesty is back bone of moral society, like trade is back bone of economy. We can win any target in any field by performing or implementing honesty. Over success is hidden in honesty at all level and in all field of life. Honesty is key of success. For example
1- If a teacher, professor or lecturer teaching, guiding student by his full honesty, impossible those student will be fail to achieve their goal, those student will be fail to get full knowledge. Same time student must be honest in getting knowledge and achieving their goal and parents also have a important roll in grow up their children’s with honesty, because morality basically we get from morality lesson from our parents, So all three parties should be honest( parents, student and teachers).
2- Now we talk about honesty of industrialist, factory owners and business owners, if they show honesty in their fields, they can achieve their goal. A manufacturer will manufacture quality product, and sell it honestly on reason able profit, also pay wages to his employees honestly which they deserve, factory owners earn their profit honestly and gives rights to their workers which they deserve. businessman and shopkeepers observe honesty in their fields not possible they will not be successful in business or shop keeping.
3- A person as a factory worker, office worker at all level, uniform person at all level( police, defense forces, etc) when they will perform their job honestly, will be successful and satisfied,
4- Honest leaders are back bone of a nation, if leaders will make policies by their full honesty for their nation, that nation never can be defeated in any type of field( peace field, education field, medication field, defense field, economics field and etc). Unfortunately as a Pakistani nation we are much lacking in honest leadership and honest voters.
When we will be honest as a leader,
When we will be honest as father or mother,
When we will be honest as industrialist, factory owners, businessmen, worker,
When we will be honest as a teacher, doctor, engineer, scientist,
When we will be honest as a student, citizen.
Then we will be successful to become a honest society, high moral society and prosperous county. Then we will choose right leaders, which will perform right job.
Just prevail honesty at all level, try to educate people of Pakistan about honesty and its advantages.

Mairay Bhai, all characters travel from top to bottom whether good or bad. If you will produce honest and good leaders then major part of society will be prosperous morally and financially otherwise "gallan e gallan".