Jaswant terms Jinnah a great Indian




Jaswant terms Jinnah a great Indian


Monday, August 17, 2009
Holds Nehru responsible for partition
NEW DELHI: Jaswant Singh, a senior leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and former Indian minister, has described the personality of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah as a great character and determination.

He created something out of nothing and single-handedly stood against the might of the Congress party and against the British, who didnt really like him, Jaswant Singh said.

In an interview with the CNN-IBNs programme Devils Advocate, Jaswant Singh spoke on his forthcoming biography of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Jaswant Singh said he was attracted by (and) drawn to Jinnahs personality.

He was a great Indian who India has demonised, he said and added that Jawaharlal Nehrus belief in a centralised polity was responsible for partition. He admitted that the Indian Muslims were treated as aliens.

Jaswant Singh said: I was attracted by the personality, which has resulted in a book. If I was not drawn to the personality, I wouldnt have written the book. Its an intricate, complex personality of great character, determination.

When asked if he was a great man, Jaswant Singh said: Oh yes, because he created something out of nothing and single-handedly stood against the might of the Congress party and against the British, who didnt really like him. Gandhi himself called Jinnah a great Indian. Why dont we recognise that? Why dont we see (and try to understand) why he called him that?

When asked whether he was a nationalist, Jaswant Singh said, Oh yes. He fought the British for an independent India, but also fought resolutely and relentlessly for the interest of the Muslims of India the acme of his nationalistic achievement was the 1916 Lucknow Pact of Hindu-Muslim unity.

Jaswant Singh said there was a lot in Jinnahs character that he personally admired stressing, in particular, the fact that Jinnah was a self-made man, who had carved a position for himself in a metropolitan city like Bombay without seeking help or support from anyone else.

I admire certain aspects of his personality, his determination and the will to rise. He was a self-made man. Mahatma Gandhi was the son of a Diwan. All these (people) Nehru and others were born to wealth and position. Jinnah created for himself a position. He carved in Bombay, a metropolitan city, and a position for himself. He was so poor he had to walk to work, he told one of his biographers there was always room at the top, but theres no lift. And he never sought a lift, Jaswant Singh said.

Asked if he agreed with the view held by many in India that Jinnah hated Hindus, Jaswant Singh said: Wrong. Totally wrong. That certainly he was not his principal disagreement was with the Congress party. He had no problems whatsoever with Hindus.

Jaswant Singh said India had misunderstood Jinnah. I think we have misunderstood him, he said. In the 20th century, the most telling event in the subcontinent was the partition of the country, he said. When asked on the partition of India in 1947, Jaswant Singh said that if the Congress could have accepted a decentralised federal country, then in that event, a united India was ours to attain. The problem, he added, was Jawaharlal Nehrus highly centralised polity.


Voter (50+ posts)
i guess there are some indians keeping an eye on this site, i would love to hear from u guys. hope u have enough courage to praise jaswant singh for unbiased analysis on Quaid-E-Azam. i remember one of the indians started a thread "whats ur opinion about jinnah?" on this particular site few weeks back, i hope he will be satisfied by the answer provided by jaswant singh.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
too bad these people show some signs of introspection *after* they have become political have-beens...

It's nice to see BJP warming up to pakistanis/muslims at-large like this...probably they realized their vote-bank was shrinking and they needed some serious out-reach across the isle/border. Advani took a lot of heat for praising Quaida-e-Azam, but he stood by his words, which I think won him a lot of respect..

I just hope BJP cleans up their house by sidelining the likes of Modi..