Indian Media - More than ten terrorists behind 26/11 siege?


Senator (1k+ posts)
The smart Indian media (I am being sarcastic) finally questions the dubious number of terrorists involved in Bombay attacks, after one whole year. This issue was raised by me subsequent to the attacks. Up until last month, the Indian members of this forum were debating with me that I don't make sense.

It is to be noted that the indian media is still only looking it from the angle that there could have been more than 10 Pakistanis involved. It has not dawned on them yet that there could have been indians involved as well, who got away and were never caught with their guns. This is very important, specially, since one of the terrorists claimed to be an indian on live TV. Indian wits have no parallels. May bey it will take them one more year to realize that.

Below is the article from NDTV. The link to the article is at the bottom. after the link to the article is the link to my debate with the indians on this form regarding the dubious number of terrorists that the Indian government has claimed.

More than ten terrorists behind 26/11 siege?

NDTV Correspondent, Saturday November 21, 2009, New Delhi

Were there more than 10 terrorists involved in the 26/11 siege of Mumbai?

JK Dutt, who was the then NSG chief, says it cannot be ruled out. Speaking to Barkha Dutt on 'We the People' Dutt said more than 10 men from Pakistan may have entered India.

JK Dutt said that he believed it couldn't be ruled out that there were more than ten terrorists behind the siege of Mumbai. He explained that they were told that there were 10 AK 47s and so they believed that there were ten men in the hotel. But there could have been more who entered India around the same time.

Excerpts from the interview:

JK Dutt: When I had contacted the senior official in Delhi to find out how many terrorists we had to account for, I was told that I had to account for 10 AK-47s. Now we had nine; two had been got by the local police, two at Oberoi, Nariman House and three over here. It was only three hours later when our NSG dog went around looking for unexploded grenades or explosives that it smelt out sniffed out the tenth weapon that was lying under a lot of soot and carbon because...

Barkha: You were measuring ten terrorists by ten guns?

JK Dutt: Yes because I was told that we have to account for ten AK-47s so the number of terrorists we are able to determine by that number. At the same time when the guests were being rescued, we had passed it on to the local authorities that since the information is that some of them may be staying as guests, you have to screen the hostages very carefully.

Barkha: Would you say today that they were ten or could they have been more?

JK Dutt: You see this cannot be ruled out at present but this is a thing that has to be done by the investigating agencies. As far as the shooting was concerned, we were able to account for these ten and these are the ten who were responsible.

Barkha: That others could have come into the country you don't know about that but there were ten inside the hotels that you got at that time.

Dutt: It was not my business to find out.