India "STOPPED" Pakistani actors from working in India...WOW...

sarbakaf - Blogger
Shiv Sena
Shiv himself was hiding from mughals
and indian sena is crying these days...



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
پاکستان میں بسنے والے جتنےبھی بھارت ماتا کے بھگت ہیں ان کو چاہیے کہ اپنا دھرم شدہ کرکے بھارت ماتا کے چرنوں میں شرن لے لیں


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
It's actually a very good decision. It will make people like Adnan Sami Khan and Atif Aslam appreciate their roots whilst also discouraging many Pakistanis from watching Bollywood.
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Senator (1k+ posts)
پاکستان میں بسنے والے جتنےبھی بھارت ماتا کے بھگت ہیں ان کو چاہیے کہ اپنا دھرم شدہ کرکے بھارت ماتا کے چرنوں میں شرن لے لیں

[hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar] [hilar][hilar][hilar] jub b mein hindi sunta hoon mujey hunsi ati hai, jesa k kuch lufaz hein e.g. permanu bomb...
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
ہندو اور امن کی آشا ، ان کو تو صرف چھترکی بھاشا سمجھ میں آتی ہے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Eid Mubarik to u and all members of this forum.

BTW, u did not wish me. Not a good friend, are u???(bigsmile)

"Unicorn" is a Pak wannabe!. He and I have agreed to become neighbours after Ghazwa-e-Hind when his wish to become Pak will be granted:biggthumpup: I am buying a home in Delhi, Pakistan and Mrs Unicorn will be calling me "Bhai". We're gonna be like one big happy family:).
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Eid Mubarik to u and all members of this forum.

BTW, u did not wish me. Not a good friend, are u???(bigsmile)

Very happy Eid to you and family i hope happiness of a life time land in your lap every day.:biggthumpup:

I don't see you here as often as I see you before:(


MPA (400+ posts)
But the fact remains these dumbasses truly an indian representation they forced IPL management not to bid on Pakistani player not a single leaf moved and now these same contractors of Hinduism are acting like jokers ..... shame

Code decode Shiv sena is not India
