India is the well-wisher of Nawaz Sharif not Pakistan - Imran Khan


Councller (250+ posts)
اگر نواز شریف کے بارے میں یہ بات اس کی بیوی کرتی تو ہم ماں لیتے دسری طرف عمران خان کی سابقہ اہلیہ نے کہا ہے کہ عمران سی آئی اے موساد کا اجنٹ ہے


Councller (250+ posts)
الزام خان تمھارے الزامات میں کوئی صداقت نہیں اپنی خیر مناؤ


Councller (250+ posts)
Imran’s U.S support. To cross-check the story, I cornered the former Director
General of the ISI, General Ehsan ul Haq, in Sadruddin Hashwani’s home, who
confirmed Imran’s connections to the Americans. According to him, at a meeting
in 1996 between the late Foreign Minister Sahabzada Yaqub Khan and Henry
Kissinger, a third party was also present. That third party was Sir James Goldsmith.
The Pakistani foreign minister was then categorically told by Kissinger to “Look
after our boy”. When Sahabzada asked who their boy was, the answer he received
was “Imran Khan”.


Councller (250+ posts)
آج الزام خان کی اپنی زبان اس کا ساتھ نہیں دے رہی ہے لگتا ہے کوکین کا نشہ آج نہیں کیا ہے یا کچھ زیادہ پی لی ہے


Senator (1k+ posts)
Nawaz Badmash along with his daughter have, thanks to Allah, been convicted of corruption and are now serving 10 & 7 years in jail respectively. But his biggest crime is yet to be punished which is that he is a traitor who is an endian agent. My challenge to the ignorant is to watch this video below and deny the fact that this fool has not sold his soul to modi.

Furthermore, the lack of him uttering the name of terrorist Kalboshan Yadav even once is more proof that he has totally been compromised at the hands of RAW. Endia along with other enemies of Pakistan have killed approximately 80,000 Pakistanis in the last 15 years, yet this turncoat has acted as the foreign secretary of modi.

The deliberate propaganda published in Dawn is just one episode of how he has acted on behalf of endia while trying to destroy Pakistan. Calling that episode as "Dawnleaks" is false simply because the propaganda was first fabricated and then purposefully planted in order to promote endia's disinformation regarding Pakistan.

Most recently this impostor tried to blame Pakistan's defenders for the now proven false flag of Bombay attacks.

I can continue posting more examples of his betrayal such as meeting endians multiple times at his private residence who entered Pakistan without a visa including their spy chief, attacking Pakistani institutions endlessly while following RSS script to the tee, etc...

So does it really surprise anyone why endian media has pulled out all stops in supporting their asset while also maligning major institutions of Pakistan?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
چل چور دیا پُترا تیری بے بے دا وی کلچر انڈیا والا اے۔ھم اپنے کلچر کو بھارت کی بےغیرتی میں شامل نہیں کریں گے۔آلو گوشت نئیں تُوں آلو تے سور دے کپورے کھا مودی نال بہے کے۔کھوت دا پُتر نہ ھوے تاں۔

Champion 01

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Nawaz shaitan sirf Indian Agent he nahi balkay yeh huramkhor chor, daku, looter, money launderer, jhoota, iss ka bhai Qatil, paaaagal, iss ki beti, a run away bride, iss kay betay absconder, iss ka samdhi absconder. Iss say bara BUD BAKHT aur SHAITAN SIFT khandan poori dunya mein nahi hey. Allah iss shaitan Nawaz ko iss kay khandan samait gharaq ker, naist o nabood ker aur inko nishan e Ibrat bana. Ameen.


Senator (1k+ posts)
اگر نواز شریف کے بارے میں یہ بات اس کی بیوی کرتی تو ہم ماں لیتے دسری طرف عمران خان کی سابقہ اہلیہ نے کہا ہے کہ عمران سی آئی اے موساد کا اجنٹ ہے

Sabiqa bv aur mojooda bv main farq hota hai c h u t i y a patwari.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
As I type this message, I am watching TV showing pictures of ordinary Pakistanis giving flowers to soldiers outside polling booths. One old lady even kissed the forehead of a soldier. Nawaz Sharif, look at the respect given to Pakistani soldiers and look where you are.


Senator (1k+ posts)
As I type this message, I am watching TV showing pictures of ordinary Pakistanis giving flowers to soldiers outside polling booths. One old lady even kissed the forehead of a soldier. Nawaz Sharif, look at the respect given to Pakistani soldiers and look where you are.

The Pakistani people overwhelmingly and rightfully support the soldiers who risk their lives so we can enjoy our lives. I understand why endia hates our army, but noora patwaris khotay khors towing their propaganda is what is disturbing. Basically to N leak supporters, that haram khor family is more important than Pakistan and it's security.
