India is a superficial country today

Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

Senator (1k+ posts)
Following criminal policies of British the congress goons have been taking country to ransom. When they were driven to corner they killed politicians and put emergency in country to cling to power. Over last 60 years they have systematically disintegrated Union of India in various parts and identities by divide and rule. India is a superficial country today.

I have been in private sector as well in public sector and has traveled and lived in far flung places in India including Kashmir and Far eastern states. My clear impression is that Kashmir or Far East people dont consider themselves as Indian at all. They used to call me 'Videshi Manu' (foreigner) in Assam and nearby states. When questioned they told you are from India. I was not shocked .I could see the third rate policy of Nehru and then Indira.Their sole purpose was to cling to chairs and remain in central power. Unless Nehru family is put on backyard or removed from India and active politics, nothing much is going to change here. This is my considered conclusion. They are a corrupt family. They have no interest in middle class and in India. In other words we are being ruled by foreigners. Sheikh Abdullah too was a foreigner.

I talked to several Kashmir people in Chandigarh including Hindus and Muslims and even highly qualified girls like doctors. Every one is evasive on being asked if Kashmir is part of India? Most of them told me both India and Pakistan must get out. Why we are spending so much money, lives and efforts?

Same applies to Pakistan. It has to be broken in 3 parts. Afghanistan also in 3 parts. Pakistan was already broken by creating Bangladesh which was culturally totally different and physically remote too. But inside Pakistan also there are nations which can't live together. If Pakistan breaks down properly and Kashmir is made autonomous area, there is hope for peace in south east area.

There is serious Muslim factor too there. You cant keep fooling yourself for 65 years. Not India but Nehru family wants all to be one and they are their eternal rulers. Man Mohan is nothing but a tail wagger caretaker stooge of Sonia bidding his time and allowing MNCs and capitalists to loot the country. It is unthinkable to make a spent force and so old man prime minister of a country and that too without electoral
process and grass root experience in democratic systems.

Prof R K Gupta


sarbakaf - Blogger

As these small states want autonomy from india is it not a result of your indian political mistakes in aasam, andhra pardesh and kashmir & punjab.

When you talk about pakistan specially baluchistan its same repeatation of mistakes

Regarding dividing pakistan and india in small states will bring peace to world or area is just a dream

Before akbar and even after akbars era india was ruled by raja and maharajas of small states was there any peace ? history speaks against this suggestion of prof gupta.

secondly small states in area will have to work as satellites of any other big nation like russia , usa , china , germany , and it will lead to a proxy war scenrio every where in sub continent.

Division of afghanistan and pakistan is not practical as a new state of baluchistan which wants pieces from pakistan, afghanistan and iran will definately be a satellite state for americans and this is something which will not be tolerated by iran , russia, china and pakistan too

that means merely the existance of baluchistan is source of permanent friction in the area.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Please stop dreaming. Get on with life. There are far better things to worry about.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)

Kashmir or Far East people dont consider themselves as Indian at all.

That would really make it a piece of cake for Patriots to capture north eastern provinces and kashmir.

Same applies to Pakistan. It has to be broken in 3 parts.

If anything Pakistan will capture India and Afghanistan in 25 years rule of Patriots as explained in thread 'Few Thousand years Ago.....'

Prof R K Gupta

If all were done as per the wishes of the professor, still be no peace as long as Freemasons and Jews exist.

Professor ki degree fake ma'loom hoti hai :lol:

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I must agree with the idea about india as put forward by the writer confessing he knows more about his own country, BUT I must also state that very cleverly the writer has not mentioned how many pieces india should be divided into, that is what he should include in his article rather than talk about Pakistan. Pakistan should not be his problem he has enough on his plate.