Imran Khan Emergency Press Conference | NRO 2


Senator (1k+ posts)
As per Imran Khan There was no issue with establishment for corruption made by mafia in Pakistan and he was said make performance better and leave the topic of money laundering (corruption ) in Pakistan.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
This is really an 'EMERGENCY' presser, as the dressing shows that. For God's sake, Khan sahib, everyone knows the dressing also has an effect on your audience.


MPA (400+ posts)
Nothing is going to happen. Press conferences will not do anything as Generals are in power now. This country has unfortunately no future!
Seems like we are in a Disguised Marshall Law nowadays and will continue for some time now.. until and unless awam comes out, things wont change


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
They are not neutral. They are involved in politics neck to neck. I wish they were neutral.
Defund the army as they take our taxes and tease their countrymen. Overseas Pakistanis finance the country, they could come and defend it too if applicable


Senator (1k+ posts)
This is really an 'EMERGENCY' presser, as the dressing shows that. For God's sake, Khan sahib, everyone knows the dressing also has an effect on your audience.
People like and accept him as he is.

It's relatively cold in Islamabad..

That's the reason why he's accepted.. No make over, same inside as outside.. Simple..

He doesn't need to wear hats, etc.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
People like and accept him as he is.

It's relatively cold in Islamabad..

That's the reason why he's accepted.. No make over, same inside as outside.. Simple..

He doesn't need to wear hats, etc.
He has excellent shalwar qamees with marvelous waistcoats. Anyway, it's good to wear your formal clothes (which can be one of his splendid shalwar qamees suits) on a formal occassion.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Nothing is going to happen. Press conferences will not do anything as Generals are in power now. This country has unfortunately no future!
Generals have always been in power in this country.
This is the first time they have been exposed and caught pants down.
It’s up to the common citizen now how they take their country affairs from the hands of Mafia and Army Establishment is the head of all Mafias in our country.
No politician, bureaucrat, Judge, mullah can do any Crime without the involvement some generals, hence it becomes an insurance policy for the criminals.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
چلو آج اپنے آپ سے سوال کرو
اپنے کیے پہ ملال کرو
یہ سب تمہارا اپنا کیا دھرا تو نہیں
چلو آج اپنے آپ سے سوال کرو
برسوں اس در پے سولات کھڑے ہیں۔ مگر اس دہلیز پر اویزاں ہے اک پردہ۔ ملکی سلامتی ہے اک نازک گھروندا
چلو آج اپنے آپ سے سوال کرو
اپنے کیے پہ ملال کرو
یہ سب تمہارا اپنا کیا دھرا تو نہیں
چلو آج اپنے آپ سے سوال کرو
برسوں اس در پے سولات کھڑے ہیں۔ مگر اس دہلیز پر اویزاں ہے اک پردہ۔
ملکی سلامتی ہے اک نازک گھروندا
پوچھو گے تو ہٹ جاۓ کا مکڑی کا یہ جالا۔


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This is absolutely true. People have been praising those who have earned money ( by hook or by crook) and they never think that its bad to earn HARAM money.

Bijli chori, Nap Tol mai kami, Dhokay bazi its all part of the society.
