Imran Khan condemns police crackdown on PTI camp


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman, Imran Khan has condemned the police crackdown on a PTI protest camp and arrests of it's party leaders and workers.

He said that peaceful protest was the right of every citizen and the police torture on PTI workers had exposed the PML-N government.

PTI leader Shafqat Mehmood said that his party workers were subjected to torture on the behest of Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister, Pervaiz Khattak also condemned the police action against the PTI workers

Police uprooted a PTI protest camp against the alleged rigging in Thursday by-polls.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
PMLN is so scared of PTI in Punjab! (clap) Great!

Despite rigging and all the support of QABZA GROUP & government machinery in provincial capital, PMLN candidate won by narrowest margin of 376 votes from PTI candidate.

PTI's Mehr Wajid Azeem was winning but result withheld & later announced to ensure PMLN candidate wins.

A recount was refused by RO to ensure PMLn don't lose another seat in LAHORE. When I say LAHORE, people know what I mean. A seat grabbed from PMLN in Lahore means (or equal in weightage) 10 in central Punjab. Imagine, PTI winning another seat in Lahore from PMLN means road paved for another national assembly seat from Lahore.

I guarantee you one thing, mark my words, the day PMLN will lose half the Lahore seats, PMLN will be wiped out of rest of Punjab & Pakistan. That is whay Imran Khan's NA-122 & Hamid Khan's NA-125 were 'robbed'. Every educated & sensible Lahori voted for PTI, that is why PMLn leadership have no respect here. Even where PMLN's national & provincial assembly members live, people in good localities just 'THOO THOO' on these thugs.

PPP & PMLN & MQM & FAZLOO are like 'GAALI' here. Only 'JAHIL & THUGS' voted for them.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Leave the protest for TUQ, concentrate on KPK Govt. All these protest are useless now only gain for PTI is good governance in KPK.When u had the chance KPK Govt. u should have rigged the KPK election in ur favour. If the other parties would have cried they could have done the same and tell them go to court. missed the boat on this one PTI
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Leave the protest for TUQ, concentrate on KPK Govt. All these protest are useless now only gain for PTI is good governance in KPK.When u had the chance KPK Govt. u should have rigged the KPK election in ur favour. If the other parties would have cried they could have done the same and tell them go to court. missed the boat on this one PTI

Then you misunderstood PTI's ideology completely. . They are not here for rigging and cheating and cunning ways to win, true they have missed many boats coz they are new in politics but they are honest and straight. . their moto is transparency, honesty and accountability.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Then you misunderstood PTI's ideology completely. . They are not here for rigging and cheating and cunning ways to win, true they have missed many boats coz they are new in politics but they are honest and straight. . their moto is transparency, honesty and accountability.

Than they should highlight this in media, instead of wasting time in protest. Look we held a fair and free election where ruling party lost. that's it not protesting over a miserly seat


Minister (2k+ posts)
akhir kab tak sirf zabani condemnation chalae gi ????? :angry_smile::angry_smile::angry_smile::angry_smile::angry_smile::angry_smile::angry_smile:

this is the right time to show them the street power!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
akhir kab tak sirf zabani condemnation chalae gi ????? :angry_smile::angry_smile::angry_smile::angry_smile::angry_smile::angry_smile::angry_smile:

this is the right time to show them the street power!

To dikha dain bhai jee kis nay roka hai.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Such steps will only work in favor of PTI and defame Punjab government. But they thought that this operation will go silent and no one will know.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Straits Times : Imran Khan tells readers what he wants most from his two sons, as well as how sees himself.



Minister (2k+ posts)
Feeble protests would make no difference-- will only strengthen the sordid system. The best option is to join TUQ and make the push for a meritocratic presidential system.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: PTI workers arresting, who is responsible?? Must watch !!

Agreed but unfortunately a notion to only Wise ...!!!


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: PTI workers arresting, who is responsible?? Must watch !!

نواز اور شہباز شریف ایک قاتل انسان ہے اور یہ نواز فیملی ہمیشہ سے غنڈوں اور سٹوڈینٹ لیڈروں کو اس شرط پر استعمال کر کے الیکشن جتیتے ہیں کہ تمہارے تمام کیسیز ختم کر دیے جائیں گے اگرہماری حکومت آ گئی ۔۔ ایک سچا واقعہ ہے کہ نواز شریف جب پہلی مرتبہ الیکشن جیتا تو اس کو گوالمنڈی میں جیتانے والا ''''ایم اے او کالج'''' لاھور کا سٹوڈینٹ لیڈر '''عابد چوھدری''' تھا یہ بہت ہی دلیر ، طاقتور اور خوبصورت نوجوان تھا اور وہ '''مزنگ''' لاھور میں رہتا تھا ۔ الیکشن جیتنے کے بعد جب شریف فیملی نے اس کے کیسیز ختم نہ کیے تو ایک دن اس نے شہباز شریف کے منہ پر اس کو گالیاں دیں تھیں اور دوسرے ہی دن اس کو گاڑی میں آتے ھوے قتل کر دیا گیا تھا ۔ سرفراز نواز کریکٹر کو بھی شہباز شریف کے غنڈوں نے لاھور میں اپنے گھر سے نکلتے ھوے مارا تھا اور شدید زخمی حالت میں چھوڑ کر فرار ھو گیے تھے ۔اس نے بھی شہباز شریف پر الزام لگایا تھا


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: PTI workers arresting, who is responsible?? Must watch !!

نواز اور شہباز شریف ایک قاتل انسان ہے اور یہ نواز فیملی ہمیشہ سے غنڈوں اور سٹوڈینٹ لیڈروں کو اس شرط پر استعمال کر کے الیکشن جتیتے ہیں کہ تمہارے تمام کیسیز ختم کر دیے جائیں گے اگرہماری حکومت آ گئی ۔۔ ایک سچا واقعہ ہے کہ نواز شریف جب پہلی مرتبہ الیکشن جیتا تو اس کو گوالمنڈی میں جیتانے والا ''''ایم اے او کالج'''' لاھور کا سٹوڈینٹ لیڈر '''عابد چوھدری''' تھا یہ بہت ہی دلیر ، طاقتور اور خوبصورت نوجوان تھا اور وہ '''مزنگ''' لاھور میں رہتا تھا ۔ الیکشن جیتنے کے بعد جب شریف فیملی نے اس کے کیسیز ختم نہ کیے تو ایک دن اس نے شہباز شریف کے منہ پر اس کو گالیاں دیں تھیں اور دوسرے ہی دن اس کو گاڑی میں آتے ھوے قتل کر دیا گیا تھا ۔ سرفراز نواز کریکٹر کو بھی شہباز شریف کے غنڈوں نے لاھور میں اپنے گھر سے نکلتے ھوے مارا تھا اور شدید زخمی حالت میں چھوڑ کر فرار ھو گیے تھے ۔اس نے بھی شہباز شریف پر الزام لگایا تھا

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