i invite all busharaf lovers to answer these facts!!


MPA (400+ posts)
i invite all busharaf lovers to answer these facts!!!!!!!!!!!


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: busharaf handed pakistanies to america

!!!The PROOF !!!

To **** *******of Musharraf and Altaf

Today, I had to go through 383 pages of "In the Line of Fire" which I call it a master piece of total Bull-crap. Its like reading an autobiography of a "whore".

I have copied the passage below from Chapter 23 "MANHUNT" on page 237 of his book.

Since shortly after 9/11, when many members of al Qaeda fled W_/ Afghanistan and crossed the border into Pakistan, we have played cat and mouse with them. The biggest of them all, Osama bin Laden, is still at large at the time of this writing, but we have caught many, many others. Some are known to the world, some are not. We have captured 689 and handed over 369 to the United States. We have earned boun-ties totaling millions of dollars. Those who habitually accuse us of "not doing enough" in the war on terror should simply ask the CIA how much prize money it has paid to the government of Pakistan. Here, I will tell the stories of just a few of the most significant man-hunts..........continued..

One of the most interesting comments that Musharraf makes in the book seems to have gone unnoticed. He calls Maulana Masood Azhar as a fake maulana. "When he was released by India as part of the bargain for their hijacked plane... he (Azhar) feared that we would hand him back to India," he claims in his book.

Questions to ponder upon..

1- What is the issue of missing persons in Pakistan?
2- Who was in power when these people disappeared in Pakistan
3- Why did Musharraf dismiss the Supreme court judges when his government was asked to produce list of missing persons and their whereabouts.

He kept committing crimes like a bounty hunter in the name of Pakistan first.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
adslpxp2 Brother, If Musharraf himself comes to Spartacus and tells him that he handed over Pakistanis for Dollars, he will still say, it is doubtful.

Good that you read the book and have rightly described it an autobiography of a whore.

Man who showed fists to the nation for his power and created an tiredlessly used to say Pakistan First, no longer wants to go to Pakistan, Coward!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I would say Kill Him But thats not enough punishment for Him...Cut every inch of his Limbs every day inch by inch and feed it to bullDogs.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Thanks for your good post.
One day Mush and his company will 'in the line of fire'.

He was crazy person and very ill mannered and was kicked out by his people very badly.

Just wait for time... Time never forgive wrong people

Sadam was very powerful and have lot of fans too but got killed very badly because of his crimes and cruelty.
Musharaf is a very little person actually.
Ran away like rat.
Useless to discuss such a valueless piece of crap.
Lets look into present and future of our country. Pray for these sacrificing people.
Do not u feel that Allah's punishments have started on this shatan when he started handing over innocent people. and he fell down @ 90 degree?
It will continue for his generations, Insha Allah.... This is custom of Allah Tala.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
GraanG2 said:
I would say Kill Him But thats not enough punishment for Him...Cut every inch of his Limbs every day inch by inch and feed it to bullDogs.

I know your feeling but this is not our job.
Muslims do not do like that.... Nature will do in its own way.
He has done his turn now it is nature's turn.... u will see. very soon.

If nature was not working, the feron must be ruling now...
We should do our job, that is do good.... thats why Pakistan is still there.
Hope u will not mind.


this PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN against musharraf will only make him more popular inshAllah! :|
this is my iman and faith that Musharraf will be remembered one day as the greatest president of the world!!! :)
i am sure his growing popularity is taking away the sleep of his haters and they are busy day and night in creating an anti musharraf PROPAGANDA campaign!
love you musharraf!


Voter (50+ posts)
Re: busharaf handed pakistanies to america

adslpxp2 said:
!!!The PROOF !!!

To **** *******of Musharraf and Altaf

Today, I had to go through 383 pages of "In the Line of Fire" which I call it a master piece of total Bull-crap. Its like reading an autobiography of a "whore".

I have copied the passage below from Chapter 23 "MANHUNT" on page 237 of his book.

Since shortly after 9/11, when many members of al Qaeda fled W_/ Afghanistan and crossed the border into Pakistan, we have played cat and mouse with them. The biggest of them all, Osama bin Laden, is still at large at the time of this writing, but we have caught many, many others. Some are known to the world, some are not. We have captured 689 and handed over 369 to the United States. We have earned boun-ties totaling millions of dollars. Those who habitually accuse us of "not doing enough" in the war on terror should simply ask the CIA how much prize money it has paid to the government of Pakistan. Here, I will tell the stories of just a few of the most significant man-hunts..........continued..

One of the most interesting comments that Musharraf makes in the book seems to have gone unnoticed. He calls Maulana Masood Azhar as a fake maulana. "When he was released by India as part of the bargain for their hijacked plane... he (Azhar) feared that we would hand him back to India," he claims in his book.

Questions to ponder upon..

1- What is the issue of missing persons in Pakistan?
2- Who was in power when these people disappeared in Pakistan
3- Why did Musharraf dismiss the Supreme court judges when his government was asked to produce list of missing persons and their whereabouts.

Musharraf was a nice person. I think you are too angry with him only due to your taussub. He did whateer was the best for the country (in the given scenario I must add)


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: busharaf handed pakistanies to america

Ok Kafir Ok,
now get lost!


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: busharaf handed pakistanies to america

kashifr said:
Raaz said:
Ok Kafir Ok,
now get lost!

Ok Mufti sahab, so who else kafir in your eyes, please any other Futwa...lol
Oh sorry
u r kashifr, I missed few ....
I think u added sh from Mush, sorry again please.


Guys, Musharaf is BUDDI KUNJAREE...and history now. Do not watse your time on this stupid person. Think of getting rid of other traitors like Altaf (who are paid servant to RAW) and all others.


The dearest lovers of my beloved Pakistan,

Pakistan is dearest to us more than our lives, Musharraf committed the act of treason twice there is no doubt about it. But My humble request to all those who want our Pakistan to prosperous and emerge as a great nation:- Please please for God sake spend every single second to improve yourself in education, in your service with honesty , with your best level efforts what ever your job is "Kasb e Kamal kun ke Azeez e Jehan shawi"
you may feel bad coz of the situation our beloved land is but make sure that you carry honor of having a true feeling of "I have done my best with honesty for my nation" so the day you will meet your Almighty Lord, you can say "I have done the best I could".....
Pakistan Zindabad.


Let me make it clear that I hate Musharaf as much as any other army vampire i.e. Kiani, General Majeed etc. You are 100% right in your facts and I totally agree but could any one for Allah sake answer my question that WHO FORCED THE DEMOCRITICALLY ELECTED GOVERNMENT AND THE SO CALLED INDEPEDENT JUDICIARY AND THE OPPOSITION TO LET HIM - MUSHARAF- GIVE A SAFE PASSAGE TO RUN TO HIS MASTERS INFACT THEIR THE PAK ARMY MASTERS". Let be honest its not only Musharaf the entire elite class of the army are to be blamed and responsible. The army think they are untouchable and they have the right to do what ever they think is good for them. What happened in Balochistan when an army officer raped a women doctor was he punished NOOOOOOOOOO. Was admiral Mansoorulhaq punished for his alleged corruption the answer is again NOOOOOOOOOOO. They talk about the politicians corruption but what about the army are they not corrupt? They are the worst when it comes to the deeds of corruption. They make money through these rouge trade- Taliban, Mujahideen, Kashmir and the Indian involvement in Kabul. Why the Kashmiri would like to be part of this country while the true ruler of Pakistan - the army banned, arrested and tortured to a death all those who were fighting for the freedom of their countrymen. Why would the Afghan want to trust the Pakistan and its rouge army when their leader, ambassadors etc. were humiliated and handed over to their (the Pak army) masters- the west and American. Why would the India trust the Pak army after the siachan incidents? The extract of my all discussion is that its the ARMY as a whole responsible for the misery of the Afghan, Pukhtunistan and Kashmirs people. I hate India as much as I hate the northern alliance in Afghanistan but the truth is that we suffer more from the Pak army than any other so called foe. Examples are Swat, Waziristan, Balochistan and Sindh, Kashmir and Afghanistan etc.
Please I beg you all to be united in condemnation of the specific section of the Pak army and disclosed their hypocrisy for them are the real enemy of our country.

Allah keeps Pakistan in His Aaman from these monsters and rouge traders. Amen

Wosat e dil hay bahoot Wosat e sahra kam hay
Isleyai di ko tarapni ki tamana kam hay

Asada tusada Rab sanjha


Awaz e Yar


Voter (50+ posts)
i wonder why musharaf have not sold me to states.

we should not forget aimel kansi khawaja saab , and we will not forget your role as well

whatever is being done or has already been done is to save pakistan . and pakistan is still save ,

lets see who is going to sell pakistan if not pakistanies

its my persnol opnion based on my observations

if somebody called me kafir i will tell him back and i wont fee sorry thanks


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Dear adslpxp2

As we know from Musharraf,s book that he had captured 689 and handed over 369 to the United States.
Did you ever think why did he hand over only 369 out of 689 ?
Because the rest were Pakistanis and that is why he said to USA I am not giving Pakistanis to you .
The best Example I can give you the killer of Danial Perl , who is a pakistani and USA demanded him but Mushraff refused.( Only because he was/is a Pakistani )
Even those 369 , at first he asked their own country that they should take them when they refused then he handed over to USA.

Some correction
Omar Sheikh is even a British national born to Pakistani parents in London on December 23, 1973
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/w ... 650222.ece" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Spartacus said:
Dear adslpxp2

As we know from Musharraf,s book that he had captured 689 and handed over 369 to the United States.
Did you ever think why did he hand over only 369 out of 689 ?
Because the rest were Pakistanis and that is why he said to USA I am not giving Pakistanis to you .
The best Example I can give you the killer of Danial Perl , who is a pakistani and USA demanded him but Mushraff refused.( Only because he was/is a Pakistani )
Even those 369 , at first he asked their own country that they should take them when they refused then he handed over to USA.

Umar Sheikh, Killer of Daniel Pearl is not Pakistani, you stupid, he is British of Pakistani decent, like your f.. leader.
He was not handed over because he worked for ISI and was involved in Indian Plane hijacking.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
GeoG said:
Spartacus said:
Dear adslpxp2

As we know from Musharraf,s book that he had captured 689 and handed over 369 to the United States.
Did you ever think why did he hand over only 369 out of 689 ?
Because the rest were Pakistanis and that is why he said to USA I am not giving Pakistanis to you .
The best Example I can give you the killer of Danial Perl , who is a pakistani and USA demanded him but Mushraff refused.( Only because he was/is a Pakistani )
Even those 369 , at first he asked their own country that they should take them when they refused then he handed over to USA.

Umar Sheikh, Killer of Daniel Pearl is not Pakistani, you stupid, he is British of Pakistani decent, like your f.. leader.
He was not handed over because he worked for ISI and was involved in Indian Plane hijacking.

Thank you for correction ....
Omar Sheikh is even a British national born to Pakistani parents in London on December 23, 1973
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/w ... 650222.ece" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;