General (R) Hameed Gul on French Submarine Commission Affair


Voter (50+ posts)
According to the news paper, Liberation, France, General Hameed Gul was interviewed by their Correspondent in Karachi.
3 to 5 % Commission is normal in military procurements ! Says Who! Read the Report

This report is dated November 10, 2009.

The Original French Report follows this English Translation:


In Paris, justice seeks to establish whether there is a causal relationship between the attack in Karachi from May 8, 2002, which killed 11 French employees of the Directorate of Naval Construction (DCN), and commitments reached at the secret contract for which they were working in Pakistan. Or if this attack is only the work of al-Qaeda, who have taken French a target at random. With these assumptions, the statement focuses on the role of the Pakistani secret service Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). An all-powerful paramilitary organization, involved in many dirty tricks. In Pakistan, we questioned General Hamid Gul. He headed the ISI from 1987 to 1989, and structured its systematic relationships with several terrorist movements.

You do not seem to believe that Al Qaeda may be linked to the attack on May 8, 2002 against the bus from the DCN, why?
In my opinion, the assessment of French judges, that there may be a case linked to a secret agreement, to amounts that should have been paid and which have not been, is the track that must be privileged in the course of investigations.

In France, the hearings have established that the contract of three submarines sold to Pakistan provided a little over 10% of commissions, what do you think?
It's very unusual. Generally, it is between 3% and 5%. Between 1999 and 2001, legal proceedings instituted in Pakistan have targeted individuals who had been corrupted in this contract for the purchase of French submarines, what do you know about this?
The Chief of Staff of the Navy has been sentenced in this case. The National Accountability Bureau [equivalent of the Court of fiscal discipline, editor's note] put his hand on him while he was a refugee in the United States. He was extradited. He is now living free in Pakistan, after paying lots of money.

The France in 1996 would have stopped the payment of a small portion of the commissions, and Pakistan have seized another party committees through court proceedings completed in 2001. Is it possible that the attack was the result of these decisions?
Yes. Assumptions that we can remember, I think it is most likely. However, the only thing that bothers me is the presence of a suicide bomber in the attack. Obviously, this person could be used without informing the consequences of what was asked [This is the driver of the Toyota whose trunk contained explosives and parked the bus cons of the DCN before the car bomb exploded, editor's note].

Is it possible that staff of the army or intelligence services were involved in the attack against employees of the French DCN?
They may be military. Someone who receives kickbacks may appeal to criminals in Karachi. But this is not an institutional work. Because I know the culture of the military and intelligence services. But someone has been acting outside the institution, to take revenge and using criminal networks.

The Original Report

A Paris, la justice cherche tablir sil existe une relation de causalit entre lattentat de Karachi du 8 mai 2002, ayant tu 11 salaris franais de la Direction des constructions navales (DCN), et des engagements secrets passs lors du contrat pour lequel ils travaillaient au Pakistan. Ou si cet attentat est uniquement luvre dAl-Qaeda, qui aurait pris une cible franaise au hasard. A travers ces hypothses, linstruction sintresse au rle des services secrets pakistanais de lInter-Services Intelligence (ISI). Une organisation paramilitaire toute puissante, implique dans nombre de coups tordus. Au Pakistan, nous avons interrog le gnral Hamid Gul. Il a dirig lISI de 1987 1989, et structur ses relations systmatiques avec plusieurs mouvements terroristes.

Vous ne semblez pas croire quAl-Qaeda puisse tre li lattentat du 8 mai 2002 contre ce bus de la DCN, pourquoi ?
A mon avis, lvaluation des juges franais, selon lesquels il pourrait sagir dune affaire lie un accord secret, des sommes qui auraient d tre verses et qui ne lont pas t, est la piste qui doit tre privilgie dans le droulement des investigations.

En France, les auditions ont tabli que ce contrat des trois sous-marins vendus au Pakistan prvoyait un peu plus de 10% de commissions, quen pensez-vous ?
Cest trs inhabituel. Gnralement, a se situe entre 3% et 5%. Entre 1999 et 2001, des procdures judiciaires diligentes au Pakistan ont vis les personnalits qui avaient t corrompues dans le cadre de ce contrat pour lachat des sous-marins franais, que savez-vous ce sujet ?
Le chef dtat-major de la marine a t condamn dans cette affaire. Le National Accountability Bureau [quivalent de la Cour de discipline budgtaire, ndlr] a mis la main sur lui alors quil tait rfugi aux Etats-Unis. Il en a t extrad. Il vit maintenant libre au Pakistan, aprs avoir rembours beaucoup dargent.

La France aurait stopp en 1996 le paiement dune petite partie des commissions, et le Pakistan aurait saisi une autre partie des commissions travers des procdures judiciaires acheves en 2001. Est-il possible que lattentat soit la consquence de ces dcisions ?
Oui. Des hypothses que nous pouvons retenir, je pense que celle-ci est la plus probable. Cependant, la seule chose qui me gne, cest la prsence dun kamikaze dans cet attentat. Evidemment, cette personne a pu tre utilise sans linformer des consquences de ce quon lui demandait [Il sagit du conducteur de la Toyota dont le coffre contenait les explosifs et qui sest gar contre le bus de la DCN, avant que la voiture pige nexplose, ndlr].

Est-il possible que des personnels de larme ou des services de renseignements soient impliqus dans cette attaque contre les employs franais de la DCN ?
Il peut sagir de militaires. Quelquun qui reoit des commissions occultes peut faire appel des criminels sur Karachi. Mais ce nest pas un travail institutionnel. Parce que je connais la culture des militaires et celle des services de renseignements. Mais quelquun a pu agir en dehors de linstitution, pour prendre une revanche et en faisant appel des rseaux criminels. ... militaires
gen hamid does not know about kick backs becuase he was heading isi whose budget is $2billion/year.It is interesting to note that isi generates its fund itself,it is not funded by govt of pakistan!!!


Minister (2k+ posts)

It is interesting to note that isi generates its fund itself,it is not funded by govt of pakistan!!!

wow dude can you explain and prove this statement!

I mean if its true, how they gonna do it :lol: any HAFTA WASOOLI type of thing from the big businessmen?? :lol:

in my teen age i used to read "Imran Series" fiction books where Imran and other secret agents used to gamble and sometimes do other things to generate their money for foreign missions... :mrgreen: