Freudian slip: Obama vows to speed up "training ISIL" , Slip of the tongue but truth nevertheless.


Councller (250+ posts)


“we’re speeding up training of ISIL forces, including volunteers from Sunni tribes in Anbar Province.”
The official transcript released by the White House contains the word “Iraqi” in brackets following the acronym ISIL, instead of something much more intuitive, such as prefacing the acronym with “anti-”.

The clumsy edit allowed one to read the statement as if the US Commander-in-Chief was not confessing to training jihadist militants all over the region, but only the ISIL forces based in Iraq.

Washington’s reluctance to confront IS openly, the continued calls for regime change in Syria, and the conflicting regional interests of US allies, have all led some critics to accuse the US of being the secret sponsor of the self-proclaimed Islamic State.

“ISIL is a US asset… (that) provides a pretext or a Trojan horse for the US to maintain a military presence in Iraq and also to go for regime change in Syria,” antiwar activist Ken Stone told the Iranian Press TV on Tuesday.
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I was also wondering for a long time who is behind ISIS

Obviously Iran will never like to support ISIS

ISIS is also a threat for Saudi Monarchy ...... So Saudi Arabia is also out of Equation

Only Turkey has some interests in ISIS but at a same time Turkey is a strong ally of America and even Turkey enjoys diplomatic relations with Israel

Basically, ISIS is serving Israeli , American and Turkish interests!

Turkey is successfully bullying Kurds on ISIS issue

America is successfully blackmailing Talibans on ISIS issue in Afghanistan

Western Public pressure was building against Israel on Palestinian Issue , ISSI atrocities are even justifying Israeli actions and Zionists are successful in their propaganda that all the Muslims are Barbarians and inhumane Monsters and Israeli is the only state to counter them
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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
revisit the current morass in Iraq. All the experts who painted a rosy picture of the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq are now being wheeled out again… and with their military boots on! Yes, we’re back on the march to war in Iraq. Will things be different this time? We’re joined by Sabah Jawad of Iraqi Democrats Abroad, a victim of Saddam but nevertheless an opponent of the Bush and Blair war. the second half of this talk @12 min

