Favorable/ unfavorable : How other countries think about pakistan




MPA (400+ posts)
mere bhai its not just pakistan .. same countries views abt US are even worse ... so dont judge urself based on these views


Senator (1k+ posts)
The way we have been treating ourselves for the last 10 years this looks amazing... In Muslim Countries we are portrayed as killiers of True Islamic forces and in western World we are being portrayed as helping the terrorists.... So This is Still resonable result....


Look at how people think about India! Cow piss drinker go and see for yourself! India and Indians like you sucks and are useless people who have nothing better to do then to come to another countries forum and post absurd stuff. What a LOSER you are!

Do you have similar graph about India. All the countries above have better ratings toward India as a result of cow piss drinking:lol:. This type of rating from Muslim countries you should go and drown your self in the lake.[hilar]



We won(clap) we won(clap)(clap)(clap).

We were beat by the Americans 7 years in a row and Jews were closely behind us. It would have been nice if America was also in the pool but we will take the win(clap)(clap). Thankyou(clap).

I will take a box of methai home today:)


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I wonder why people of these Islamic countries dislike Pakistan so much? Specially Jordan and Egypt .,,,,,

dunno...do our governments even interact much with each other? or perhaps like taliban they think we are American agents and that is why they dislike us..
